Abbey our CKCS-Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and her family's Syringomyelia Journey
We lost our battle on January 3, 2012 and had to put our beautiful princess down. Please spread the word on this awful disease. When I wrote this blog I told everything I was feeling and it's pretty emotional but tells all that I felt. Abbey had my heart on Day 1
one year after surgery
You have a special place Dear Lord that I know you'll always keep
A special place reserved for dogs when they quietly fall asleep
With large and airy kennels and a yard for hiding bones
With maybe a little babbling creek that chatters over stones.
With wide green fields and flowers for those who never knew about running freely under
Your sky of perfect blue. Lord,I know You keep this Special Place and so to you I Pray, for one Special Cavalier Who quietly died today
She was full of strength & love and so very, very wise.
The puppy look she once had had long since left her eyes.
She is dearly missed my Lord by her Mom & Dad.
She went to join her family in Your land that is Devine
So, speak to Abbey softly please and give her a warm hello.
She's a Special gift to you Dear Lord from her Mommy & Daddy, who loved her so.
Run free sweet Abbey.
Abbey 1/24/2004 - 1/3/2012
Oh my sweet Abbey. You are with the angels and finally free of this awful disease. I will miss you sooooooo much and I am at a loss as to what to do right now. I love you so much but I know we did the right thing today.
RIP and I thank god he brought you to us.
I love you so much.
RIP and I thank god he brought you to us.
I love you so much.
Not doing well--Any of Us - December 29,2011
It's been a very long time since I updated and unfortunately this is not a good
one. It is now almost 3 years since finally figuring out what Abbey had/has. She
was doing relatively good until this past year and has been declining. We are
now seriously talking abou putting her down. I've never had to put an animal down in my life.
Thank you dear lord they have always gone on their own. I'm looking at Abbey in a
different way now---she is having such a very hard time getting around--she
slips and slides all over the place and falls. Her eyes just don't have the
"sparkle" they used to. I think she's plain tired of dealing with this disease.
George and I talked alot last night and shed many many tears and also saw
another neurologist 3 weeks ago and was told we were doing all that she would
have us do and saw our vet yesterday and he agreed with me about her quality of
life. My emotions are so up and down right now. One minute I'm ready to make the
appt. and the next minute I say no. George feels we need to give it a couple
more weeks to give the increase in prednisone and omeprazole a chance. I can't
hardly look at her right now without sobbing so I know it won't be long. If
you've read our story you know how much we do love her and how this is killing
me. I will post when we finally make the decision.
one. It is now almost 3 years since finally figuring out what Abbey had/has. She
was doing relatively good until this past year and has been declining. We are
now seriously talking abou putting her down. I've never had to put an animal down in my life.
Thank you dear lord they have always gone on their own. I'm looking at Abbey in a
different way now---she is having such a very hard time getting around--she
slips and slides all over the place and falls. Her eyes just don't have the
"sparkle" they used to. I think she's plain tired of dealing with this disease.
George and I talked alot last night and shed many many tears and also saw
another neurologist 3 weeks ago and was told we were doing all that she would
have us do and saw our vet yesterday and he agreed with me about her quality of
life. My emotions are so up and down right now. One minute I'm ready to make the
appt. and the next minute I say no. George feels we need to give it a couple
more weeks to give the increase in prednisone and omeprazole a chance. I can't
hardly look at her right now without sobbing so I know it won't be long. If
you've read our story you know how much we do love her and how this is killing
me. I will post when we finally make the decision.
One Year after Surgery
Hard to believe that its been a year. Time flies. She is doing well and is a very happy dog. She was having some scractching episodes about a month ago and we were quite concerned. She has never been symptom free since the surgery and we never believed she would be--we hoped though. I felt she was having some distress so we took her off the temaril and she is now on prednisone which seems to be doing the trick. I have only seen her scratch a couple times in the past 6 weeks or so. The change has been quite visible. She is hungry though and I guess steroids do that to you. We are still happy that we did the surgery as our goal was for her not to get worse and we have accomplished that goal 100% and more as she is definitely better than a year ago. Any questions, please e-mail me and I will get back to you quickly. I still get e-mails and sometimes people call me as they are worried and I sure understand what its like to go down this road.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Oh my dearest Abbey. It has been one year and 6 days that you left us. I think of you all the time and miss you so much. I still have your picture on my desk at work along with the poem and your painting hangs by the kitchen. I know you are running and no longer in pain. I hope you have found your way to meet my Mom as I know she would love you to death and introduce to your brothers and sisters that left before you. I love you Abbey.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Sitting at work and looking at your picture. Been thinking of you alot. I sure do miss our nightly butt rubs. You so loved your butt rubbed and that was our bedtime ritual. It's so hard to believe that it's almost 6 months since we lost our battle. We are doing well Abbey. You are so embedded in my heart and out of the blue you will enter my mind. I haven't forgotten you and never will. I hope you are running and free of the pain. You so deserve it. I love you.
I so hope that people are coming to your page and it's helping them. I never get comments so can only hope. I truly did my best to bring awareness on this awful disease and I truly hope your life wasn't in vain.
We miss you.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Been a month
Thinking of Abbey so much the past 24 hours. Today while driving to work the sunrise was like the gateway to heaven and I felt her looking down on me and telling me she was ok. I miss her so much. Yesterday when I got home from work I had an e-mail from an American gal living near Paris that I could feel her pain so deeply reading and knew everything she was feeling. She was taking her baby in today to a neuro and I'm praying for them and I know so well the fears and all she's going through. I mentioned to George last night that sometimes I regret putting her down and then after hearing him I so well remember how she was. It just stinks that she wasn't even 8 years old. I know I'm lucky I had her for the time I did but I want more!!!
I miss you so much princess.
I miss you so much princess.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
3 weeks today we put you out of your misery and I've had my doubts the last few days of whether we did the right thing or not. A dear friend of mine reminded me of why we did what we did and thank god knocked some sense into me. I was so afraid of coming home from work or the middle or the night waking up to you paralyzed and in uncontrollable pain. You were like a zombie--no emotion showed on you anymore. I would love you and give you kisses and you'd have a blank stare. Those two things is why my sweet love--plus losing your muscle balance and falling constantly. I sure do miss you.
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Happy Birthday to my dear Abbey. 16 days ago you left us and the house is so empty without you. I know you are having a great birthday running and meeting new friends and finally out of pain. We miss you and I sure wish you were here so we could celebrate. Life is so unfair sometimes. Your life was so short. I know you knew what you meant to me and I showed you all the time how much I loved you.
RIP and run run run.
I love you.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Oh my sweet Abbey. Tomorrow would have been your 8th birtday. Thinking of you so much right now. I miss you but believe it or not my sweet princess I am doing relatvely well. I know you are finally free of this awful disease. I hope you have a wonderful pain free day tomorrow and you are treated so very special as you are so special. We miss you so much and you will never ever be forgotten. You stole my heart on day one and everybody always told me they could tell you were the specal one.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
12 days now of not having you and I keep saying over and over how much I miss you. I look in yor usual places and you are gone. Your pills are sent to somebody with SM dogs and are gone. All your other medications are put away in a cupboard. Your non-skid socks are put away and no longer see them in the laundry. Your bed in our bedroom is put away and the blanket we had in it is gone and tucked out of sight. I know I've been grieving for a very long time--I think it started around June (right before my knee replacement surgery) so been grieving 7 months. I sure miss that "old" Abbey. I don't miss the one that we took to the vet 12 days ago. I am so lucky to have had you 7.5 years--short time for sure but I cheerish every day we had with you.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
9 days
At work and fighting the tears. You did so much in your short life. You helped educate so many people about this very ugly disease. I used to tell you all the time I wished you could tell me what it truly felt like and how much pain you were in etc. and you couldn't. I had a human live being contact me once in a message and unfortunately didn't leave an e-mail and told me that it was painful but all you wanted was our love. Well you certainly got that. You couldn't have been more loved. Well, I hope this isn't going to be a crying day at work as I don't think my co-workers understand. At least the two right by me--many others here do understand. I was driving to work today and thinking that it's almost your birthday. Oh my sweet Abbey why didn't we wait until after your birthday. I know why because once I saw the "true" you I couldn't take it.
I love you my sweet princess and miss you even more.
I love you my sweet princess and miss you even more.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
One week
It seems like its been weeks since you left us and only been 7 days. I miss you so much Abigail. Sometimes it's very hard being without you and the tears flow. Bedtime is the worst. I'm going to find somebody that can paint a picture of you from a photo and put over our bed. I love you Abbey.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Miss her
It's only been 4 days since she left us and seems like eternity. My emotions are on a roller coaster and at times unable to function. I don't know how I managed to get my body to work this week. The pain is unbearable.
Miss her so much
My emotions are on a roller coaster. I miss her so much and the pain is unbearable.
I miss her.
It's only been 3.5 days and feels like months. I have cried more than anybody knows. I miss her so much.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
I'm having a horrible time and have shed so many tears lately. I believe at least I think I do--my emotions are on a roller coaster right now-that she is ready to go. I think she's plain tired of this disease. I looked on the blog on her pictures after her surgery and she obviously was in pain there and she looks like that now. The picture of her in the playpen with her tongue hanging out is how she looks.
God help us reach a decision. This is so dang hard and love her so much.
God help us reach a decision. This is so dang hard and love her so much.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Almost 2 years later
As you can tell I haven't been real good about posting. Its been almost 2 years now since we figured out what was wrong with her and about 3 more months it will be 2 years since her surgery. Its hard to come up with something to say but I will say that she is doing well. She sometimes has bad days which even then her bad days are nothing like they were 2 years ago. One thing I thought of the other day which was a BIG positive was that I have not witnessed a seizure since right after surgery and when she had the surgery she did have multiple seizures within days of the surgery. I think this is GREAT. She is still on the same meds that she was a year ago. I have since gone back to work and we are giving meds at 8, 4 p.m. and about midnight. This is going well. I have learned to deal with this awful disease and don't get as stressed as I used to even though I will never like seeing her scratch or rub her head etc.
If you need to talk to somebody I will always be here for you. Please e-mail me at the link on the blog or at
Soon on a sunny day I will post a video of her.
If you need to talk to somebody I will always be here for you. Please e-mail me at the link on the blog or at
Soon on a sunny day I will post a video of her.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, December 11, 2009
I was into the site Cavalier Talk a couple days ago and there was a post by a gal who just had to put her Ollie down because of sm and Ollie had had the surgery. My heart just ached for them both. Like she said everybody deals with it in their own way but I felt bonded to this woman especially she lives in Florida and I live in Georgia so we are not far apart in distance either.
Today I watched the video of Abbey which I probably haven't watched in at least 5 months. My stomach feels like I need to run to the bathroom. It feels so fresh in my mind again to see her like that and I thank god right now that she's not like that anymore and I pray even harder that she doesn't get worse with time.
Like I said in previous posts she does still show symptoms and I do get scared at times but today after watching that video again I feel that God is watching over both of us.
She's my little "princess".
Today I watched the video of Abbey which I probably haven't watched in at least 5 months. My stomach feels like I need to run to the bathroom. It feels so fresh in my mind again to see her like that and I thank god right now that she's not like that anymore and I pray even harder that she doesn't get worse with time.
Like I said in previous posts she does still show symptoms and I do get scared at times but today after watching that video again I feel that God is watching over both of us.
She's my little "princess".
Thursday, December 10, 2009
2 months since last posting
Time just flies and I need to write an update no matter how boring it is. lol. It is now 9 months since Abbey had her surgery. She is about the same as the past few months. Still shows signs but not like before the surgery but does have bad days occasionally. If she shows symptoms once a day I don't like it. Last night at bedtime and had just given her her gabapentin and she had an episode. Probably in reality last 30 seconds. Held her leg up like a cramp and cried a little -more anguish sounding and rubbing head. I always pick her up when she does this but don't know if thats the right thing to do. Eventually put her down to allow her to deal with it the way she needed to. Off to bed we went and of course the princess sleeps on our bed--only one of the 4 that do. One is bad enough--lol. She still showed a little discomfort for a short period but then the pill must have kicked in. I still get scared as I love her so much and like I said she's my princess. I've said numerous times that we doubted if her symptoms would go away after surgery as she was misdiagnosed for so long BUT our goal was to stop the progression. She certain is not worse by any means so our goal has been accomplished.
As you can see, I don't update that often anymore BUT I will every once in awhile as long as my dear Abbey is on this earth.
Merry Christmas everybody.
As you can see, I don't update that often anymore BUT I will every once in awhile as long as my dear Abbey is on this earth.
Merry Christmas everybody.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Results are in
Abbeys results came back today from the tumor removed on monday. It was benign. A benign mast cell tumor. Great news!!!
Results are in
Abbeys results came back today from the tumor removed on monday. It was benign. A benign mast cell tumor. Great news!!!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Last wednesday evening we felt a large lump on Abbey's neck--pretty close to where her incision was. I got her into the vet yesterday--friday. The vet said it is a mass--not a cyst or fat deposit. Needed to be removed asap as if it was much bigger it would be much harder to remove. We are having it removed on monday, 9/28. Please keep her in your prayers. We are very positive that this is not cancerous but of course it is possible. The vet and her neurologist to which we spoke to of course are both very positive. She means the world to us and its just not fair that she has all these problems at such a young age. I will post once I know more after the surgery.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Well, its been a little over 6 months now since Abbey's surgery. It was 6 months on the 3rd of September. It has gone by so fast as time does. She is doing relatively well. She does show symptoms still and for some reason its usually in the a.m. --a couple hours after her morning pills. She's still on the same meds. Omeprazole, temaril, gabapentin and atopica for allergies. She is not worse which we are very pleased with. We knew going into the surgery that her symptoms probably would still be there but you can always hope and we still are as we have heard from other people of complete changes happening up to a year. We are still glad that we did the surgery.
Bentley--still not sure what to do with him. Do see signs but not enough of them to warrant a mri at this point but after what I do know he is being watched very carefully. I pray that he doesn't have it.
I was contacted by Clare Rusbridge for her to use our video which I did give permission and it was quite a honor to be asked so our dear Abbey will be famous.
She's my special needs dog as I call her. She is a very happy dog with occasional scratching and head rubbing but doesn't last very long.
She also gets more attention etc. and how can you help it with what she has been through and having the disease itself.
This thanksgiving we are going away for 5 days and this will be the first time she has been left. I will not ever kennel her. I have always said that I believe stress was a major factor in her seizures and that sure was the case after her surgery. I haven't witnessed a seizure since that first couple days after coming home from the surgery. I have a friend that will come in our house and medicate as 2 dogs have dry eye and then of course Abbey has meds 3 times a day. I am so lucky to have a friend that will do this for me.
I still get occasional e-mails for people wondering about their dogs and recently I did have an e-mail from a person that lives in Alabama which is where Abbey had her surgery. This woman was very worried about her dog and was almost sure her dog had sm. Well, she went to Dr. Shores (Abbey's neurologist) and was mri'd and wonderful news the dog didn't have it so even when you are sure there is the possibility you are wrong. I was so happy to hear about this. If only Abbey would have been so lucky.
Abbey, George & Linda
Bentley--still not sure what to do with him. Do see signs but not enough of them to warrant a mri at this point but after what I do know he is being watched very carefully. I pray that he doesn't have it.
I was contacted by Clare Rusbridge for her to use our video which I did give permission and it was quite a honor to be asked so our dear Abbey will be famous.
She's my special needs dog as I call her. She is a very happy dog with occasional scratching and head rubbing but doesn't last very long.
She also gets more attention etc. and how can you help it with what she has been through and having the disease itself.
This thanksgiving we are going away for 5 days and this will be the first time she has been left. I will not ever kennel her. I have always said that I believe stress was a major factor in her seizures and that sure was the case after her surgery. I haven't witnessed a seizure since that first couple days after coming home from the surgery. I have a friend that will come in our house and medicate as 2 dogs have dry eye and then of course Abbey has meds 3 times a day. I am so lucky to have a friend that will do this for me.
I still get occasional e-mails for people wondering about their dogs and recently I did have an e-mail from a person that lives in Alabama which is where Abbey had her surgery. This woman was very worried about her dog and was almost sure her dog had sm. Well, she went to Dr. Shores (Abbey's neurologist) and was mri'd and wonderful news the dog didn't have it so even when you are sure there is the possibility you are wrong. I was so happy to hear about this. If only Abbey would have been so lucky.
Abbey, George & Linda
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
21 weeks. It sure doesn't seem that long since her surgery but it is. She is doing relatively well. She still does show symptoms--still a little scratching here and there. Once in awhile a little head rubbing. I have NOT seen her rub herself on the couch like she used to and she used to do that quite a bit. Tonight she did hold her paw up like she had a cramp and we think thats related to the sm but not sure--who knows maybe it is a cramp--maybe somebody can show some light on that one. Bentley and Abbey were buddies before we got Chelsea and they used to snuggle up to each other--they still do but Chelsea and Bentley play all the time. Sometimes Bentley goes up to Abbey to play and I know Abbey can't handle it and she just lays down and Bentley just leaves. Its sad to watch as I know in my heart Abbbey would love to play if she could as she adores Bentley. She is taking gabapentin 3 times a day--100 mg, omeprazole and also temaril and we've cut the temaril back to once daily and I think I'm going to try every other day soon. So she still does show symptoms but not like she did. I believe the surgery has helped her and she has improved and thats a very positive note in my book. I still worry about her but not in the same way and I don't freak out like I used to either. I now look at it like she is handicapped in a sense and not as a death sentence like I used to. We've both come a very long way in 4 months. :-)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Been Awhile
16 weeks since her surgery--Doesn't seem possible but it is!!! Abbey is about the same. She is still on meds. This past weekend was the first time I went past her time on meds. Went somewhere and thought I would be home 2 hrs. earlier than I was. She was air scratching etc. so the symptoms are still there but not anywhere like they were. She is a happy dog and a bit slower and has changed but still our little Abbey.
In regards to Bentley I'm just watching him--don't see him do stuff very often at all so not going to mri him at this point.
2 weeks ago I fell and thought I had broke my wrist--went in the following morning and was x-rayed and it showed nothing. They said if it still hurt to come back in a week. Well, after 2 weeks I was still in pain and monday night I hardly slept--the pain was almost unbearable and I have a high pain threshold. Went in yesterday which was my birthday present and my birthday gift was a broken arm--broken at the elbow so going in the orthopedic in about a hour. Hard to do anything with one arm.
I haven't been in Cavalier Talk in ages--just no time. This year has not been a good year in more ways than one lets say.
To all that are going through this I hope this site is helping you.
In regards to Bentley I'm just watching him--don't see him do stuff very often at all so not going to mri him at this point.
2 weeks ago I fell and thought I had broke my wrist--went in the following morning and was x-rayed and it showed nothing. They said if it still hurt to come back in a week. Well, after 2 weeks I was still in pain and monday night I hardly slept--the pain was almost unbearable and I have a high pain threshold. Went in yesterday which was my birthday present and my birthday gift was a broken arm--broken at the elbow so going in the orthopedic in about a hour. Hard to do anything with one arm.
I haven't been in Cavalier Talk in ages--just no time. This year has not been a good year in more ways than one lets say.
To all that are going through this I hope this site is helping you.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Well, we are 11 weeks post op and everything is back to normal as I have said many times. In regards to Bentley I still have absolutely no idea what we are going to do. Sometimes when I see him vigorously scratching his head I almost pick up the phone to make an appt. for a mri but when he stops it leaves my mind in a sense. He is not that bad and like Dr. Shores (neurologist) said--its not an urgent situation if he does have it. In regards to Bentley it has made me realize that I will never ever have another cavalier until they figure this sm out and what causes it etc. Even the best breeder in the world that mri's and everything else my comment at this point would be "no thank you". I guess after you've gone through this that my feelings would be pretty common. I truly love this breed ALOT --pretty obvious when I have 3 of them but what my Abbey went through all her life she should not have had to go through that. I can see this in a few dogs but this is not happening in a few cavaliers. I can't remember the statistic but its high--maybe as high as 90% they say.
This week I also talked to a woman who lives about a hour from me and her cavalier had surgery at 9 months. She said she also was the one who figured it out and it took her about 4 months to do it. We both went to Auburn to have the surgery and Dr. Shores also performed the surgery on her dog. Was very interesting talking to somebody that lives in approximately the same location and also had the same neurologist. Her dog just recently had another mri--a year after surgery and was better--no scar tissue. That was nice to hear!!!
This week I also talked to a woman who lives about a hour from me and her cavalier had surgery at 9 months. She said she also was the one who figured it out and it took her about 4 months to do it. We both went to Auburn to have the surgery and Dr. Shores also performed the surgery on her dog. Was very interesting talking to somebody that lives in approximately the same location and also had the same neurologist. Her dog just recently had another mri--a year after surgery and was better--no scar tissue. That was nice to hear!!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
10 weeks post surgery--things are back to normal here as I have posted. Yesterday I took her and Winston to Auburn University for dermatology recheck and she is doing good in that respect and we are going to continue the atopica treatment. Dr. Shores stopped by also and we talked briefly--he said she was doing good and seemed to have more spunk to her now and seemed happy. :-) He did mention her tongue which we both agreed was worse and I asked what that meant and he said nothing to be concerned about.
We also discussed Bentley as he is fly catching and scratching his neck and doing it more than I feel he should be. He did say those 2 things are justification for doing a mri. We have ALOT of thinking to do in this regard. He also mentioned we could put him on gabapentin and somebody else told me that the reason for that is if he improves then its almost a certainty that he has it. George and I got some thinking to do in this regard. I sure hope we don't have another one with this horrible disease but not going to get worked up about it at this point.
We also discussed Bentley as he is fly catching and scratching his neck and doing it more than I feel he should be. He did say those 2 things are justification for doing a mri. We have ALOT of thinking to do in this regard. He also mentioned we could put him on gabapentin and somebody else told me that the reason for that is if he improves then its almost a certainty that he has it. George and I got some thinking to do in this regard. I sure hope we don't have another one with this horrible disease but not going to get worked up about it at this point.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Wowsers I feel so honored right now. The following site:
has added a link to this blog under "Related Links".
This is such a honor that it is very hard for me to describe what I am feeling right now. My whole purpose of this blog has been to help others who love their dogs as much as "I" "we" do and I know how much I read and read about sm and tried to find people that have experienced this etc. This is such a tribute to Abbey and means sooooooooo much to me. Abbey has probably always been in alot of pain ALL her life and that is the one thing that has hurt me the most knowing that she was and her vet missed the boat and so did we. Luckily I did find out about it and without the net I don't know what this outcome would have been for us. Probably her getting to the point of falling over and having to put her to sleep. Thank god that didn't happen. I know this blog is helping others as I get e-mails etc. telling me it has.
Thank you Rod from cavalier health which YOUR site helped me enormously too.
9 weeks tomorrow Abbey had her surgery and it sure doesn't seem like that. She is doing very well. She still has some symptoms and time will tell but the symptoms are VERY few and not like before. This is what the neurologist told us about her occasional scratching-rubbing etc.
"The occasional scratching and the occasional stiffening -- not too concerned about that because her case is a very chronic one and I expect her to continue to display some signs on occasion for several (maybe 6) months -- I don't think we know enough about how the more chronic cases will respond, but thus far, many of these seem to take up to 6 months to reach their maximal improvement."
At this point I am still saying no regrets on the surgery--she is soooo much better.
has added a link to this blog under "Related Links".
This is such a honor that it is very hard for me to describe what I am feeling right now. My whole purpose of this blog has been to help others who love their dogs as much as "I" "we" do and I know how much I read and read about sm and tried to find people that have experienced this etc. This is such a tribute to Abbey and means sooooooooo much to me. Abbey has probably always been in alot of pain ALL her life and that is the one thing that has hurt me the most knowing that she was and her vet missed the boat and so did we. Luckily I did find out about it and without the net I don't know what this outcome would have been for us. Probably her getting to the point of falling over and having to put her to sleep. Thank god that didn't happen. I know this blog is helping others as I get e-mails etc. telling me it has.
Thank you Rod from cavalier health which YOUR site helped me enormously too.
9 weeks tomorrow Abbey had her surgery and it sure doesn't seem like that. She is doing very well. She still has some symptoms and time will tell but the symptoms are VERY few and not like before. This is what the neurologist told us about her occasional scratching-rubbing etc.
"The occasional scratching and the occasional stiffening -- not too concerned about that because her case is a very chronic one and I expect her to continue to display some signs on occasion for several (maybe 6) months -- I don't think we know enough about how the more chronic cases will respond, but thus far, many of these seem to take up to 6 months to reach their maximal improvement."
At this point I am still saying no regrets on the surgery--she is soooo much better.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
8 weeks--well, according to Dr. Shores things should be back to normal now. I still don't like her jumping and I'm still not in my own bed. George hasn't had time to make the ramp and until he does I'm still on the mattress on the floor. She is still about the same. In the a.m. right when we wake up she does scratch a bit but very minimal. Sure a BIG difference from 2 months ago.
At this point I don't know how often I should post as its like I'm saying the same thing over and over and even boring for me to write it let alone to read it. I know people are still coming in here--both new ones and old ones. I might go to monthly after this. Maybe post on the first of every month.
Its been about 4 months since this all started and I'm coming out of the shell lets say. For awhile I felt like I had aged 10 years.
At this point I don't know how often I should post as its like I'm saying the same thing over and over and even boring for me to write it let alone to read it. I know people are still coming in here--both new ones and old ones. I might go to monthly after this. Maybe post on the first of every month.
Its been about 4 months since this all started and I'm coming out of the shell lets say. For awhile I felt like I had aged 10 years.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
7 weeks--Hard to believe. Things are more or less back to normal. NO more crating at all except when I leave the house and then I throw her in the playpen. She's around the other dogs etc. She is showing more interest in playing with the other dogs which she hardly did before. To me that says that possibly before she didn't because of the pain. Not much to say at this point which is a good thing. Still very glad we did--no regrets.
Monday, April 20, 2009
7 weeks--Well, its the 7 week mark and things are getting back to pretty much normal. She is still doing well. She sleeps very well at night and is still on the gabapentin but does go over 8 hrs. In the morning when I do wake up she sometimes rubs her head. At our last visit with the neurologist he did say she would be on the gabapentin for at least 3 more months so time will tell. I sure hope she gets off of it
Friday, April 17, 2009
A glorious day. I just saw a very good sign and had to post about it.
Chelsea and Bentley my two other cavs play alot. They rough house all the time. They were doing it this morning and my little Abbey was over there barking away like she wanted to play too. This is a VERY GOOD sign. Like I said I'm starting to see signs of her personality coming out. If she would have started rough housing with them I would have pulled her away. Still too nervous on the neck but yet Dr. Shores did say it was ok. I just am being over cautious I guess. Like the saying says better safe than sorry.
Chelsea and Bentley my two other cavs play alot. They rough house all the time. They were doing it this morning and my little Abbey was over there barking away like she wanted to play too. This is a VERY GOOD sign. Like I said I'm starting to see signs of her personality coming out. If she would have started rough housing with them I would have pulled her away. Still too nervous on the neck but yet Dr. Shores did say it was ok. I just am being over cautious I guess. Like the saying says better safe than sorry.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I shot a video of Abbey today outside showing how well she is walking and even running etc. I even think that her head is not as tilted. She is doing amazing right now and very pleased. I don't know how to get this video off so when son picks up grandson tonight I will have him do it and post at the you tube site that is shown on here.
I posted it so you can view it now on the link above.
I posted it so you can view it now on the link above.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Today starting to see more and more of her coming out. Her walking around and wagging her tail, begging for food--lol, etc. Its nice to see. Today was the first day of just one of the temaril--too soon to tell on the effects of that one. Hard to explain but she seems happier today. Sometimes I look at her and she seems spacey to me--not her and I think its all the drugs but today was different. Maybe a very good sign!!!! Dr. Shores told me this is major surgery--like I don't know brain surgery is major surgery--and that it takes awhile. Everybody tells me the real change they saw in their dogs was at 12 weeks and we are only at 6.
She still is hungry. I feed them twice a day--1/2 cup in the a.m. and 1/2 at night and then a couple small treats usually in the p.m. I also feed 3 of them in crates and when she's done which is in 5 minutes she goes and checks out the other crates. They all know that Bentley usually doesn't finish his so they all run to his crate but I'm faster than they are--lol. Bentley is not a real big eater at all and he's the most energetic of them all yet doesn't eat that much.
She still is hungry. I feed them twice a day--1/2 cup in the a.m. and 1/2 at night and then a couple small treats usually in the p.m. I also feed 3 of them in crates and when she's done which is in 5 minutes she goes and checks out the other crates. They all know that Bentley usually doesn't finish his so they all run to his crate but I'm faster than they are--lol. Bentley is not a real big eater at all and he's the most energetic of them all yet doesn't eat that much.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
6 week mark---doesn't seem possible yet seems forever. We've been through so much in a very short time. She is doing really really well. Today is the last day of getting temaril twice a day--tomorrow she will only get it once. I soooo hope she gets weaned off the majority of these meds. Last week I did ask about the gabapentin and was told that she would be on it for at least 3 more months and then possibly wean her off then. She still is not trying to jump on couches etc. so not sure on that one. She just might have gotten more spoiled through this 6 week period of me carrying her around etc. We never crate her anymore except if I leave the house and then I do and like when I shower etc. The other dogs are really good with her although Bentley and Chelsea are the ones who really play with each other although Abbey used to play with Bentley a bit. Who knows maybe she didn't play because of the pain etc.
I probably won't post as often from now on unless things change which god forbid I hope they don't. I think we've both paid our dues. Gets kind of boring writing and reading only that she's doing well--lol.
Again, recooperating from this surgery wasn't bad at all. Our troubles were that we were still dealing with scratching and licking and come to find out that she did have allergies in addition to the sm. Once that was figured out then its just getting the right meds etc.
One thing weird is she's eating more. Now she's just on plain duck and potato natural balance and give her like a tsp of applesauce in it for flavoring and she eats it like she's starved. Before sometimes she would go a couple days and not eat. So this is very strange. I don't have a clue to what that means.
In reference to the comment regarding her eating. Yes she is on temaril which is:
Temaril-P is a combination antihistamine (trimeprazine) and corticosteroid (prednisone).
Hmmm I didn't know that was a side effect. Thanks for leaving the comment. Just strange how much more she is eating these days.
I probably won't post as often from now on unless things change which god forbid I hope they don't. I think we've both paid our dues. Gets kind of boring writing and reading only that she's doing well--lol.
Again, recooperating from this surgery wasn't bad at all. Our troubles were that we were still dealing with scratching and licking and come to find out that she did have allergies in addition to the sm. Once that was figured out then its just getting the right meds etc.
One thing weird is she's eating more. Now she's just on plain duck and potato natural balance and give her like a tsp of applesauce in it for flavoring and she eats it like she's starved. Before sometimes she would go a couple days and not eat. So this is very strange. I don't have a clue to what that means.
In reference to the comment regarding her eating. Yes she is on temaril which is:
Temaril-P is a combination antihistamine (trimeprazine) and corticosteroid (prednisone).
Hmmm I didn't know that was a side effect. Thanks for leaving the comment. Just strange how much more she is eating these days.
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Have a wonderful Easter everybody.
She's doing wonderful as I knew she would be from the steroids twice a day. Going to try to take a video today of her outside since its nice and sunny.
I never got a video made as we had Easter company. I'm aiming for this coming weekend and hopefully its nice and going to take all dogs to the park as want some good pictures. I just got a new zoom lens for my Nikon that I'd love to play with. Hope everybody had a wonderful Easter.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Ok just a very short note as I am still sick with a cold--can barely breathe. We talked with Auburn yesterday and they said to take her off of all meds until monday as they felt it was maybe too much BUT mother's intuition said something else. :-) I didn't agree with it. We were told to take her off the yogurt and remember a few weeks ago how we were having problems getting the meds down her and our vet gave us this "pill pusher" looks like a plunger. Well, we've been using that and then syringing a small amount of yogurt behind it to get her to swallow and also to cover up the taste of this stuff. Well, last week they told us no yogurt and went hmmm and we did try applesauce but it still didn't cut it. On friday she was foaming after the pills and obviously the drugs tasted like s h i t. lol. Within 5 mins she barfed them up. Well creative Mom put her thinking cap on on what else we could use to do what we were doing before. GOT IT. BABY FOOD!!! This a.m. we used banana baby food and it worked like a charm and no vomiting etc. We can really tell the difference with her on these steroids but hopefully as she is weaned off of the steroids that the atopia will be doing its thing. Winston is better also so dogs aren't licking like they were. Things are going well again and I'm afraid to say it.
We aren't crating her much at all anymore. The dogs are being good and of course I'm watching them around her like a hawk. It seems though she's a typical cavalier and wants to just sit on your lap and sleep--lol. Its hard to believe but we're almost at the 6 week mark.
George had the dogs outside a bit today and she sure enjoyed that.
Happy Easter everybody!!!!
We aren't crating her much at all anymore. The dogs are being good and of course I'm watching them around her like a hawk. It seems though she's a typical cavalier and wants to just sit on your lap and sleep--lol. Its hard to believe but we're almost at the 6 week mark.
George had the dogs outside a bit today and she sure enjoyed that.
Happy Easter everybody!!!!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Today marks 5 years ago that we brought dear Abbey home. Amazing how time flies. Seems like yesterday so Happy Bring Home Abbey Day.
I actually forgot about what today was. I just signed in to write a short post and the above had already automatically posted. We're still dealing with the vomiting of pills issues. Tried it a different way this a.m. and she vomited within 5 mins. so worse today.
I am actually sick--got sick yesterday afternoon and didn't hardly sleep so I won't be posting until I feel better. One thing or another around here.
Happy Easter from George, Linda, Winston, Abbey, Bentley & Chelsea!!!!!
I actually forgot about what today was. I just signed in to write a short post and the above had already automatically posted. We're still dealing with the vomiting of pills issues. Tried it a different way this a.m. and she vomited within 5 mins. so worse today.
I am actually sick--got sick yesterday afternoon and didn't hardly sleep so I won't be posting until I feel better. One thing or another around here.
Happy Easter from George, Linda, Winston, Abbey, Bentley & Chelsea!!!!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Why us? I was so positive yesterday and here I am sitting on hold with the clinic. The side effects of atopia are vomitting and diarrhea and guess what. She just vomited up all her meds from almost a hour ago. I'm not crying but geez enough is enough. The doctor wasn't in yet so will be about a hour before she comes in. This sucks!!!
I feel like I've been kicked in the stomach literally and I'm going to get sick.
I feel like I've been kicked in the stomach literally and I'm going to get sick.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
5 weeks--1 day -----Well, first of all I got a great night sleep. Probably the best in 3 months since this all started. We went to bed at 11 p.m. and she slept on the bed with me and then she got me up at 6 a.m. and we got up and she went outside on her own I might add--me not carrying her and she came back in and I gave her meds and we went back to bed and I couldn't believe it when I woke up and it was 9:30. That is unheard of for me.
Ok now on to our visit yesterday. I actually took 2 dogs on this trip--my shih tzu Winston and Abbey. Winston's symptoms have gotten worse and he has been licking his paws horribly and rolling around etc. too. Well, on evaulation I was informed that they couldn't be tested because they had been on the steroids. I remained calmed but definitely did say I thought the purpose of this trip was to test them so why was Abbey put back on the steroids etc. Well, then when the dermatologist went over our options she refreshed my mind rather quickly lets say by saying she didn't think we would be able to keep Abbey off of the steroids because of the licking and scratching and my comment exactly was "good point". Since Abbey has previously responded to the steroids, they believe food allergy is on the low end of the list. I have been giving her Natural Balance Duck and Potato which is grain free but like a dummy I've been adding shredded wheat for the extra fiber along with yogurt. Right when I told them about the shredded wheat I said to them--thats smart--I'm giving her a grain free food and then I'm adding grain--smart. I was also told of the foods that dogs are most allergic to is meat, grain and dairy. So off of the yogurt and shredded wheat. The yogurt has aided me ALOT to get all these meds down here and I said what the heck I'm going to do now but then went hmmmm applesauce and it worked well.
On both dogs it was decided not to test either of them. We are going the "atopica" treatment on both dogs and started this a.m. We are also keeping Abbey on the temeril-p because it takes awhile for the atopica to take effect. She is on the temaril for a schedule of: two tablets twice a day for 7 days, then one tablet a day for 7 days, and then every other day for 7 more doses. Hopefully, when the temaril is completed the atopica will be doing the job.
We are also are to continue giving her the "Malaseb" baths once a week--leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse off and they added "Humilac rinse" at the end of the bath. I was also given "Malaseb Pledgets" to wipe between the toes, pawpads, lip margins and vulva 2-3 times per week.
So the above is the scenario on the allergies. Again I was pleased with the doctors knowledge etc. and again I'm happy with Auburn.
Ok now on to the neurology aspect of this. Dr. Shores said to start getting her back to normal lets say. Another words let her walk around more. Let her be around the dogs and see how that goes--when we tried it last night we had to get on Bentley as he wanted of course to play with her and she definitely is not in the playing aspect of things. We did let her go out the doggie door last night and this a.m. which he said she could. There are 3 steps off of the deck down to the grass. It was very very hard for me to let her do this. I'm nervous about her doing stuff again and is it too soon etc. I asked about her being on the "regular" bed and if she should jump off which she hardly ever has done in the past but she has done it. He said he gets really nervous when any dog does that because of bumping their head etc. I'm not sure what we're going to do there. George and I are going to be talking about this more and we did a little last night. George is tye type of person and handiman that can come up with anything. His nickname actually is MacGyver and he truly is that. He gave the ok for her to go on walks which we will do today. He said the first month is the most important and to gradually add stuff up to the 3 month mark and after 3 months be at normal again.
I'm feeling alot more positive at this point that at least after all these years that she's getting the help she needs and from very qualified people and I think that is the real important thing here--qualified people. If this regime doesn't work then we'll go from there and I see light at the end of the tunnel finally. Its been a very hard road and my little Abbey is such a trooper.
I keep getting e-mails from strangers in the same boat or different stages etc. and I love it. I know I will have a close bond when this is over. My e-mail is on here so you know how to write.
I soooooooooooo appreciate all the support and caring etc. Its actually overwhelming and I know so many love their dogs like we love ours. They are family. A very big part of us.
afternoon--about 1:30 p.m. Abbey hasn't been in the playpen today except for a very brief time. She's outside right now--went out the doggie door by herself and is out there sunbathing. I snuck on the other side of the house and took a picture of her but of course she's on the other side of the cyclone fence but she seems so happy today being given a little more freedom. Today is a very good day.
Ok now on to our visit yesterday. I actually took 2 dogs on this trip--my shih tzu Winston and Abbey. Winston's symptoms have gotten worse and he has been licking his paws horribly and rolling around etc. too. Well, on evaulation I was informed that they couldn't be tested because they had been on the steroids. I remained calmed but definitely did say I thought the purpose of this trip was to test them so why was Abbey put back on the steroids etc. Well, then when the dermatologist went over our options she refreshed my mind rather quickly lets say by saying she didn't think we would be able to keep Abbey off of the steroids because of the licking and scratching and my comment exactly was "good point". Since Abbey has previously responded to the steroids, they believe food allergy is on the low end of the list. I have been giving her Natural Balance Duck and Potato which is grain free but like a dummy I've been adding shredded wheat for the extra fiber along with yogurt. Right when I told them about the shredded wheat I said to them--thats smart--I'm giving her a grain free food and then I'm adding grain--smart. I was also told of the foods that dogs are most allergic to is meat, grain and dairy. So off of the yogurt and shredded wheat. The yogurt has aided me ALOT to get all these meds down here and I said what the heck I'm going to do now but then went hmmmm applesauce and it worked well.
On both dogs it was decided not to test either of them. We are going the "atopica" treatment on both dogs and started this a.m. We are also keeping Abbey on the temeril-p because it takes awhile for the atopica to take effect. She is on the temaril for a schedule of: two tablets twice a day for 7 days, then one tablet a day for 7 days, and then every other day for 7 more doses. Hopefully, when the temaril is completed the atopica will be doing the job.
We are also are to continue giving her the "Malaseb" baths once a week--leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse off and they added "Humilac rinse" at the end of the bath. I was also given "Malaseb Pledgets" to wipe between the toes, pawpads, lip margins and vulva 2-3 times per week.
So the above is the scenario on the allergies. Again I was pleased with the doctors knowledge etc. and again I'm happy with Auburn.
Ok now on to the neurology aspect of this. Dr. Shores said to start getting her back to normal lets say. Another words let her walk around more. Let her be around the dogs and see how that goes--when we tried it last night we had to get on Bentley as he wanted of course to play with her and she definitely is not in the playing aspect of things. We did let her go out the doggie door last night and this a.m. which he said she could. There are 3 steps off of the deck down to the grass. It was very very hard for me to let her do this. I'm nervous about her doing stuff again and is it too soon etc. I asked about her being on the "regular" bed and if she should jump off which she hardly ever has done in the past but she has done it. He said he gets really nervous when any dog does that because of bumping their head etc. I'm not sure what we're going to do there. George and I are going to be talking about this more and we did a little last night. George is tye type of person and handiman that can come up with anything. His nickname actually is MacGyver and he truly is that. He gave the ok for her to go on walks which we will do today. He said the first month is the most important and to gradually add stuff up to the 3 month mark and after 3 months be at normal again.
I'm feeling alot more positive at this point that at least after all these years that she's getting the help she needs and from very qualified people and I think that is the real important thing here--qualified people. If this regime doesn't work then we'll go from there and I see light at the end of the tunnel finally. Its been a very hard road and my little Abbey is such a trooper.
I keep getting e-mails from strangers in the same boat or different stages etc. and I love it. I know I will have a close bond when this is over. My e-mail is on here so you know how to write.
I soooooooooooo appreciate all the support and caring etc. Its actually overwhelming and I know so many love their dogs like we love ours. They are family. A very big part of us.
afternoon--about 1:30 p.m. Abbey hasn't been in the playpen today except for a very brief time. She's outside right now--went out the doggie door by herself and is out there sunbathing. I snuck on the other side of the house and took a picture of her but of course she's on the other side of the cyclone fence but she seems so happy today being given a little more freedom. Today is a very good day.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
5 weeks--Today is a very big day. Right now its 5 a.m. and I woke up before the alarm went off. I actually slept upstairs last night in my own bed--first time in 5 weeks--no hubby--no dogs--haven't slept with hubby in 5 weeks actually and I know I don't sleep as well with no hubby--what can I say I've been married almost 36 years. He's a part of me ya know. I didn't sleep that well at all. Couldn't go to sleep and then I'd wake up wondering how Abbey was. Was no big surprise actually--figured it would be like that.
Well, today is the day that I've been waiting for for 2 weeks. We're off soon to see both the neurologist and dermatologist. I sure hope alot of my questions are answered and we get somewhere.
Will post the results tomorrow.
Well, today is the day that I've been waiting for for 2 weeks. We're off soon to see both the neurologist and dermatologist. I sure hope alot of my questions are answered and we get somewhere.
Will post the results tomorrow.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Day 34--another glorious night. WRONG. She had me up at 3 a.m. scratching and licking--let her out of the crate and tried to calm her down but it didn't work. I finally decided to give her gabapentin even though it had only been 4 hrs. since giving it to her. It calmed her down shortly after and she went to sleep and is still out. Its almost 9 a.m. here and I haven't even fed the dogs yet or given her her other meds.
I'm so tired of never getting a good night sleep. I was thinking of calling the doc to get prescription sleep aid but I think my doctor is on vacation this week but I'm going to try but it could backfire on me--be drugged and she have me up.
All this boils down to is that I better get some answers tomorrow on this allergy deal. This better not drag on for two months as I literally will break down.
Ok another glorious-happy post. Stay tuned to wednesday for the results from 2 doctors.
I'm so tired of never getting a good night sleep. I was thinking of calling the doc to get prescription sleep aid but I think my doctor is on vacation this week but I'm going to try but it could backfire on me--be drugged and she have me up.
All this boils down to is that I better get some answers tomorrow on this allergy deal. This better not drag on for two months as I literally will break down.
Ok another glorious-happy post. Stay tuned to wednesday for the results from 2 doctors.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Day 33--almost 5 weeks mark--Well, I wasn't going to write until wednesday but I've had a guestbook entry, e-mails etc. wondering whats going on so going to write a brief update. In the past 5 days we've had our ups and downs lets say. A few days ago I wasn't very good. As you know they put her on temaril-p a couple weeks ago for the allergies and she took it twice a day for 3 days, once a day for 3 days, and then every other day until gone. Well, when it started to go from every other day is when I noticed a change. The licking again--scratching etc. I was pretty down and of course my rock Bev helped me. Thank you Bev. You always make me feel better. I finally contacted Dr. Shores on friday but he was not in the office and another neurologist called me back and we both decided to put her back on them --one pill a day--got them from my local vet on friday and started yesterday a.m. She was immediately better again. She's still on other meds too--omeprzole, gabapentin, cephalexin, fluconazole, burrows solution and now again the temaril. Well, immediately she was better. She's sleeping better. I really feel for some reason she sleeps so much better in the crate and she has been back in the crate the past 2 nights. I don't like her on these steroids so will definitely be talking alot about that too but hopefully will be allergy tested and definitely a big re-evaluation by both doctors etc.
As for me--I'm very very confused. I don't know anymore what is sm and what is allergies. I also am not myself these days and haven't been for a couple months since January when this also started. We are seeing both the neurologist and dermatologist on tuesday and I'm counting the hours. They better have alot of time allotted for us. Bringing two dogs in actually for the dermatologist--taking my shih tzu in also. I'm starting to compile my list of questions and concerns and notations for both doctors. I am doing better--I think we just need to have this allergy testing and then go from there. I also think once Abbey is out of this crate and where her life can get back to normal there will be alot more changes. I'm ready to take her for walks--rides in the car and I know she is too. Last night George and I actually went out for dinner with some friends and came back here and watched a couple slide shows of our Europe trip in the fall. After 6 months from being back from the trip I'm finally going through 4500 pictures which is wayyyy overdue. It was really nice to actually get out and not think about her and I actually didn't.
Not alot to report here but since I did receive concern as to why I haven't written I wanted to tell what was going on.
I will write on wednesday as to what happens at our appointments.
Thanks to the ones with the concern etc. It means alot to me when I get that and actually motivates me to keep this up and warms my heart how others who don't know us their caring etc.
Keep praying for her.
As for me--I'm very very confused. I don't know anymore what is sm and what is allergies. I also am not myself these days and haven't been for a couple months since January when this also started. We are seeing both the neurologist and dermatologist on tuesday and I'm counting the hours. They better have alot of time allotted for us. Bringing two dogs in actually for the dermatologist--taking my shih tzu in also. I'm starting to compile my list of questions and concerns and notations for both doctors. I am doing better--I think we just need to have this allergy testing and then go from there. I also think once Abbey is out of this crate and where her life can get back to normal there will be alot more changes. I'm ready to take her for walks--rides in the car and I know she is too. Last night George and I actually went out for dinner with some friends and came back here and watched a couple slide shows of our Europe trip in the fall. After 6 months from being back from the trip I'm finally going through 4500 pictures which is wayyyy overdue. It was really nice to actually get out and not think about her and I actually didn't.
Not alot to report here but since I did receive concern as to why I haven't written I wanted to tell what was going on.
I will write on wednesday as to what happens at our appointments.
Thanks to the ones with the concern etc. It means alot to me when I get that and actually motivates me to keep this up and warms my heart how others who don't know us their caring etc.
Keep praying for her.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
4 weeks--Wow, we're about 2/3 of the way there. Sunday night Abbey had me up and down all night and yesterday I was pretty wiped out and having feelings that I had never had before. I don't even want to write what I did feel but I want this blog to help others so I must be honest. Yesterday, I was thinking will my life ever be normal again? Will I ever be able to sleep a whole night without being woken up by her. Yesterday also she kept bugging me also. She wanted out of the playpen constantly and I would hold her on my lap and then she'd go to sleep and I'd put her back in and then leave the room and then roof again. I was downright frustrated and also 3 other dogs were demanding my attention and it was like "calgon take me away from here". I felt like taking 4 dogs to the pound--now please don't ruffle your feathers on what I just wrote. I'd never do that and just like when you have a newborn baby and you get tired you sometimes think stupid stuff. Doesn't mean you'd ever do it etc. If you haven't figured it out by this blog, obviously I love my dogs alot. Ok last night went to bed and put her in the crate and 2 hrs. later I awake to her barking and not a whining like she usually does but downright barking. I think god here we go again. I open the crate and out she comes and I say up on the bed and she does and that was the end of it. So I have finally figured this little thing out. She's feeling better and she's getting tired of being confined etc. Just like I am. We're both getting sick of this--lol. I also feel confined and housebound which I don't like. I know I'm being too rigid also and should get out more but I can't and at this stage we're almost over this--Dr. Shores told us 6 weeks so we shall see next week what he has to say.
So thats the scenario. She's alot better and getting back to normal lets say and we're tired of being restricted--lol. She has licked her paws a little and does do a little scratching but not that much. One thing that is weird is that when I put her on the hardwood floors which my whole house is nothing but tile or hardwood she scratches but if I put her down outside she's fine. Not sure where that comes from. Definitely something I will talk about next week.
I doubt now if I will post until after our appt. with the neurologist and Dr. Shores a week from today but will probably be the 8th before I post.
So thats the scenario. She's alot better and getting back to normal lets say and we're tired of being restricted--lol. She has licked her paws a little and does do a little scratching but not that much. One thing that is weird is that when I put her on the hardwood floors which my whole house is nothing but tile or hardwood she scratches but if I put her down outside she's fine. Not sure where that comes from. Definitely something I will talk about next week.
I doubt now if I will post until after our appt. with the neurologist and Dr. Shores a week from today but will probably be the 8th before I post.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Day 26--Almost 4 weeks. Amazing how fast it really has gone. Of course in some ways seems like eternity also. We're getting antsy and I'm getting to feel like I'm housebound. I still can't leave her much at all and haven't in 3 1/2 weeks. I guess its the mother instinct. To go through all this I'm not taking any chances at all. Well, last night the little bugger got me--lol. I woke up around 2 a.m. and could not sleep and got up and low and behold about 10 mins later heard her barking so of course went in there to avoid her waking everybody in the house up. Took her outside and gave her a bit of water and put her back in the crate and I climbed in bed. Well, she was not satisfied with that at all. So I opened the crate and let her climb in the bed and she spent the night with me. After 3 1/2 weeks I actually had a bed partner--lol. George has been in the other room with the other dogs. She slept well although I woke up numerous times. Not sure why. I'm sure this is going to be the start of her sleeping with me as once she got a taste of it--lol.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Day 25--I didn't know it but yesterday George called Dr. Shores and he called him back around dinner time last night. His question was whether Abbey could start to be around the other 3 dogs. Believe it or not Dr. Shores said yes for very short periods. Last night George put Abbey on the ground with the other 3 and everybody was sniffing everybody everywhere and saying "you're back--what has happened". I'm still very overprotective of her and probably will be for a minimum of 6 weeks. We are slowly letting her have a little bit of freedom here and there. This a.m. I blocked off our family room which has one step down it--that gave her the freedom of wandering around the kitchen, dining room and eating area. Quite a bit of room actually and she did walk around. Good for her. Concerns me that she needs to walk those muscles a little more. We are still very pleased with the results we are seeing and I'm counting the days until we see the dermatologist etc. Its really hard for me to decipher which symptoms of the past are sm and which ones are allergy.
Saturday night--son and daughter-in-law and grandson were over earlier and daughter-in-law had not seen Abbey for quite awhile. Remember they split up for a bit and son was here for 4 weeks but all is well in that respect. :-) Daughter-in-law said it looked like good ol Abbey. It really does. She hasn't looked this good or acted this good in a very long time. Even on the gabapentin and omeprazole and steroids she wasn't this good so we are still very happy that we did the surgery. The reason we did it as there is no cure for this was to stop the progression of it. She had a bath today--all 4 dogs did--man its work.
Saturday night--son and daughter-in-law and grandson were over earlier and daughter-in-law had not seen Abbey for quite awhile. Remember they split up for a bit and son was here for 4 weeks but all is well in that respect. :-) Daughter-in-law said it looked like good ol Abbey. It really does. She hasn't looked this good or acted this good in a very long time. Even on the gabapentin and omeprazole and steroids she wasn't this good so we are still very happy that we did the surgery. The reason we did it as there is no cure for this was to stop the progression of it. She had a bath today--all 4 dogs did--man its work.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Day 24--Just a short post. Abbey is doing really well. I don't even remember the last time I saw her scratch or lick her paws. Quite a difference from last week and very very encouraging. We also now see our dear sweet Abbey's personality. Granted we can't see it all as she is confined and I'm getting excited for the day when I can just let her loose to run and play etc. Won't be long although it does seem like a long time away but we all know how fast time goes. Still shocks me that we are 3 1/2 weeks into this. Last night I had the dogs outside and was taking some pictures and she was in the pack-n-play in the office and she could see outside when she stood up and she was letting me know that she was not a happy camper at all--lol. Good sign. I am very very encouraged at this point and her neurologist one of the last things he said to me 8 days ago was "I think you will be surprised at the difference in her"--something to that extent and he's right. The difference has been night and day. I know the word allergies raised my blood pressure but obviously we are dealing with two things.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Day 22--I think Abbey just likes messing with my head. Well, at 5 a.m. I woke up to her letting me know that there was some kind of problem. I let her out and she came on the mattress but was off of it in less than 5 minutes--from now on no more getting on the mattress in the early morning as she doesn't stay there. At night we usually have family time--meaning her Dad and I lay in there for a few minutes chilling--lol. Well, she was scratching so went geesh guess I'll give her the gabapentin which I did and took her outside and then put her back in the crate. I then went back in the kitchen to put stuff away and for a few mins get on the puter and roofing she was and I went what the heck she want now. The only thing I could think of then was that she was thirsty so grabbed her and gave her water which she gobbled up. Now I think maybe all she wanted was water but God only knows. Man I wish these guys could talk. I'm very anxious for the dermatologist appt. on 4/7. Other than that she's doing good. All these drugs make her sleepy because she still sleeps alot or who knows she could just be bored. If only she could talk and tell me.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
3 weeks--Can't believe it but we're actually at the halfway point here. Its gone by fast considering all that we have gone through. Things are still going great. This a.m. she did wake me up--the first time since getting on the allergy medications and was wimpering like she wanted out. She got on the bed--remember the mattress is on the floor with no box spring and did scratch a bit so said its time to get up and give meds which had been 8 hrs. Gave her her meds and took her outside and gave her her breakfast.
I think I'm getting more antsy at getting over this crating period etc. than she is. The weather is absolutely beautiful where I am. Suppose to be 77 degrees today which for you europeans is about 25 Celsius (hope I spelled that right-lol). No humidity etc. I love the spring. I sure would love to take her for a walk but unfortunately thats not in the cards. Would love to be out working in the yard with her running around but thats out. Oh well, will be over before we know it.
In regards to posting not much to post about if you haven't noticed--lol. I don't think I will post again now until her appt. at Auburn which is on April 7th. I will post if there's actually something to write about.
I think I'm getting more antsy at getting over this crating period etc. than she is. The weather is absolutely beautiful where I am. Suppose to be 77 degrees today which for you europeans is about 25 Celsius (hope I spelled that right-lol). No humidity etc. I love the spring. I sure would love to take her for a walk but unfortunately thats not in the cards. Would love to be out working in the yard with her running around but thats out. Oh well, will be over before we know it.
In regards to posting not much to post about if you haven't noticed--lol. I don't think I will post again now until her appt. at Auburn which is on April 7th. I will post if there's actually something to write about.
3 weeks--Wowsers we're at the halfway mark!!! Dr. Shores told us 6 weeks but we shall see on that one. We have an appt. on April 7th with both Dr. Shores and dermatologist. She needs to get a job here!!! She is doing so much better. This a.m. though she did wake me up--the first time since starting all the allergy meds etc. She was wimpering like she wanted out. Let her out and on the bed she came--remember I have the mattress on the floor with no box spring--amazing what we do for our animals. She was scratching a bit so up we went and gave her her meds and took her out. She never did scratch again or anything after leaving the bedroom so who knows. Maybe just wanted out.
I think I'm getting more antsy now for this recooperation period to be over. The weather is soooooooooooooo beautiful where I am right now--sunny and temperatures in the
I think I'm getting more antsy now for this recooperation period to be over. The weather is soooooooooooooo beautiful where I am right now--sunny and temperatures in the
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Day 19--Things are going well and we are quite pleased with the results of her meds that we got on thursday. She is sleeping so well at night and so am I. :-) I wake up on my own now and she is still in lala land and I open the crate and let her on the bed. She still scratches a bit but nothing like she did and her paws are dry and haven't seen her lick them for awhile and haven't seen any head rubbing either. I'm much more positive and although the word allergy raised my blood pressure I realize we are dealing with two different things. I have more trust in Dr. Shores and the staff at Auburn University than I do with my own personal doctor--lol. I probably will start posting a little less as there really isn't much to write about at the moment. She still of course is in the playpen or the crate at night and will be for a minimum of 6 weeks--that is how long Dr. Shores has told us but I'm thinking of at the end of the 6 week mark to have her in the area where the kitchen, dining room, eating area and family room is--only one step down to the sunken family room and she would still be away from the other 3 dogs. I'm a little leary about the other 3 being around her--of course this will be discussed with Dr. Shores and will see him also when I take her into the dermatologist in 2 1/2 weeks.
Again I thank all of you for thinking of us and your e-mails, messages etc. has helped alot and your wishes has helped get us through hard times. I know Abbey will come out of this--she's loved much too much not to and she's definitely a fighter. :-) She knows also that she has alot to live for.
Again I thank all of you for thinking of us and your e-mails, messages etc. has helped alot and your wishes has helped get us through hard times. I know Abbey will come out of this--she's loved much too much not to and she's definitely a fighter. :-) She knows also that she has alot to live for.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Day 18--Wowsers I can't believe its been 18 days already. The time is actually flying. She is doing ALOT better. I'm actually getting some sleep now. We got up at 8:30 this morning and it was me that was wanting to get up. She would have slept longer but she needed to get her meds as it had been 9 1/2 hrs. She is still rubbing her head a little but have seen very little of the paw licking and she has had some scratching but it has decreased dramatically.
Her incision looks really good since the staples were taken out and the hair is growing back and won't be long before you can't even tell it. If we do allergy testing in 3 weeks I'm sure she will be shaved again but I would assume on her tummy.
Not much else to report which is good. Much more positive.
late afternoon update--Abbey is getting antsy in the playpen. Took her outside just to get her out for a few mins. Its sunny and beautiful here--shame we can't enjoy it by doing an outing with them. Its a good sign though.
I received an e-mail of support from somebody telling me how their dog's symptoms were identical to SM symptoms--scratching and licking of paws. This person was convinced that their dog had sm and had it mri'd and VERY VERY GOOD NEWS--the result was negative. Licking of the paws was a MAJOR MAJOR deal for Abbey. When we had carpet she would leave wet spots all over--would like like a small pee in the carpet. Her paws were soaked all the time. You've seen the videos. Now we're dealing with allergies AND sm and now there is truly hope that what she is showing now is not sm related and only allergy related.
The amount of support I have received from strangers amazes me and it has helped me sooooooooooooooooo much. I just can't say that enough.
I truly don't know at this point what to tell people in regards to allergies vs sm. Some of the symptoms are the same but then there are symptoms like "air scratching" that is not allergy related. Yelping for no reason is another--picking up and yelping. Neck pain--Abbey did not have that. We know our dogs more than anybody and just follow your heart and if you do end up going the mri and its negative then go party and be happy.
Her incision looks really good since the staples were taken out and the hair is growing back and won't be long before you can't even tell it. If we do allergy testing in 3 weeks I'm sure she will be shaved again but I would assume on her tummy.
Not much else to report which is good. Much more positive.
late afternoon update--Abbey is getting antsy in the playpen. Took her outside just to get her out for a few mins. Its sunny and beautiful here--shame we can't enjoy it by doing an outing with them. Its a good sign though.
I received an e-mail of support from somebody telling me how their dog's symptoms were identical to SM symptoms--scratching and licking of paws. This person was convinced that their dog had sm and had it mri'd and VERY VERY GOOD NEWS--the result was negative. Licking of the paws was a MAJOR MAJOR deal for Abbey. When we had carpet she would leave wet spots all over--would like like a small pee in the carpet. Her paws were soaked all the time. You've seen the videos. Now we're dealing with allergies AND sm and now there is truly hope that what she is showing now is not sm related and only allergy related.
The amount of support I have received from strangers amazes me and it has helped me sooooooooooooooooo much. I just can't say that enough.
I truly don't know at this point what to tell people in regards to allergies vs sm. Some of the symptoms are the same but then there are symptoms like "air scratching" that is not allergy related. Yelping for no reason is another--picking up and yelping. Neck pain--Abbey did not have that. We know our dogs more than anybody and just follow your heart and if you do end up going the mri and its negative then go party and be happy.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Day 17----I know many people are coming on this blog and cheering Abbey on etc. I'm sorry that I didn't write last night but I was absolutely exhausted. 13 hrs. of sleep in 3 days just don't cut it and when I did get sleep it was always broken.
Ok I will be writing more later on but I wanted all of you to know that they truly believe we are dealing with two issues--allergy and her sm. Of course you all know how I feel about that word "allergy" when it comes to her but I am absolutely amazed at Auburn University--I truly am. These are good doctors and she is checked from head to foot--every inch I swear. Dr. Shores had dermagology look at her and again they believe we are dealing with both allergies and sm.
I will post more later but just wanted to let you all know that are following Abbey and that are sitting on pins and needles lets say.
I sooooo appreciate everybodys support and comments on this page and posts in cavalier talk and e-mails etc. Words cannot even describe what they mean.
Actually a switch from the past few days--actually some positive to write for once and I feel a whole lot better and sure glad that George made that call for me to talk to him.
By the way during consultation after examinations yesterday Dr. Shores told me yesterday was his day off and he came in for Abbey. Again Auburn University and the staff are amazing.
Ok a litte update in regards to yesterday etc. Like I said previously it is believed we are dealing with allergies also. At this point it is believed that it is an environment allergy. Heck I think I will type word for word for the clinic sheet.
Dermatologic exam:
Physical exam findings: The right rear hock has moth eated alopecia and erythema. All four feet are erythemic interdigitally and the right front paw is moist (suspect that dog has been licking at feet). The lip margins and chin are erythemic. The ears are erythemic and some waxy debris is noted. Some of the hair on the ears is matted (thats because Mommy has been afraid to take a comb to me because of my neck but she did last night and I was a VERY good girl-- :-) ). ON otoscopic exam, both ears are erythemic down to the horizontal canals and both lympanic membranes are intact. The dog was pruritic at examination.
lip= 1 + cocci
right hock=few 1+ cocci and coccobacillus
right front paw=negative
right rear paw-negative for infection but simonsiella was noted (dog licking at this rear paw as well since this is an oral bacteria)
perivulvar=1-2+ malassezia, 1-2+ cocci
right ear=negative
left ear=negative
Bacterial and Malessezia Dermatitis
Differential Diagnoses:
atopy, food alergy, allergic otitis
I was given some medications and also Malaseb shampoo to bathe her twice a week which I already did this a.m.
She did do MUCH better last night. Only problem I had with her was her panting for 1 1/2 hrs. and thats a side effect of temaril so I'm assuming thats what that was about.
Now leave me a comment in regards to the above and lets c how many times you look up the medical terminology. lol
Again, I am very impressed with the staff and most of all Dr. Shores. He listened to me in depth yesterday and I was proud--I didn't even cry yesterday. It was just a relief to have somebody looking at her.
She did not enjoy her car ride at all which normally she absolutely loves. I know I'm going to get it on this one but I don't crate my dogs in the car. Well, of course she was crated yesterday. She barked on the way there for about 2/3 of the trip. On the way home probably off and on for a total of 40 mins out of a 2 hrs. 15 min. journey.
I have an appointment on April 9th with dermatology and will discuss allergy testing on her. I'm thinking of also taking my shih tzu Winston as he has similar issues which hasn't been pursued. He also licks his paws--not as bad as Abbey but definitely a problem--also gets a rash from bath and I've tried every shampoo out there--well not all but alot. He gets bumps which I have read about on the handouts from them.
Overall, a complete turnaround in my disposition today. Actually doing something besides moping around.
The good old roller coaster ride.
Ok I will be writing more later on but I wanted all of you to know that they truly believe we are dealing with two issues--allergy and her sm. Of course you all know how I feel about that word "allergy" when it comes to her but I am absolutely amazed at Auburn University--I truly am. These are good doctors and she is checked from head to foot--every inch I swear. Dr. Shores had dermagology look at her and again they believe we are dealing with both allergies and sm.
I will post more later but just wanted to let you all know that are following Abbey and that are sitting on pins and needles lets say.
I sooooo appreciate everybodys support and comments on this page and posts in cavalier talk and e-mails etc. Words cannot even describe what they mean.
Actually a switch from the past few days--actually some positive to write for once and I feel a whole lot better and sure glad that George made that call for me to talk to him.
By the way during consultation after examinations yesterday Dr. Shores told me yesterday was his day off and he came in for Abbey. Again Auburn University and the staff are amazing.
Ok a litte update in regards to yesterday etc. Like I said previously it is believed we are dealing with allergies also. At this point it is believed that it is an environment allergy. Heck I think I will type word for word for the clinic sheet.
Dermatologic exam:
Physical exam findings: The right rear hock has moth eated alopecia and erythema. All four feet are erythemic interdigitally and the right front paw is moist (suspect that dog has been licking at feet). The lip margins and chin are erythemic. The ears are erythemic and some waxy debris is noted. Some of the hair on the ears is matted (thats because Mommy has been afraid to take a comb to me because of my neck but she did last night and I was a VERY good girl-- :-) ). ON otoscopic exam, both ears are erythemic down to the horizontal canals and both lympanic membranes are intact. The dog was pruritic at examination.
lip= 1 + cocci
right hock=few 1+ cocci and coccobacillus
right front paw=negative
right rear paw-negative for infection but simonsiella was noted (dog licking at this rear paw as well since this is an oral bacteria)
perivulvar=1-2+ malassezia, 1-2+ cocci
right ear=negative
left ear=negative
Bacterial and Malessezia Dermatitis
Differential Diagnoses:
atopy, food alergy, allergic otitis
I was given some medications and also Malaseb shampoo to bathe her twice a week which I already did this a.m.
She did do MUCH better last night. Only problem I had with her was her panting for 1 1/2 hrs. and thats a side effect of temaril so I'm assuming thats what that was about.
Now leave me a comment in regards to the above and lets c how many times you look up the medical terminology. lol
Again, I am very impressed with the staff and most of all Dr. Shores. He listened to me in depth yesterday and I was proud--I didn't even cry yesterday. It was just a relief to have somebody looking at her.
She did not enjoy her car ride at all which normally she absolutely loves. I know I'm going to get it on this one but I don't crate my dogs in the car. Well, of course she was crated yesterday. She barked on the way there for about 2/3 of the trip. On the way home probably off and on for a total of 40 mins out of a 2 hrs. 15 min. journey.
I have an appointment on April 9th with dermatology and will discuss allergy testing on her. I'm thinking of also taking my shih tzu Winston as he has similar issues which hasn't been pursued. He also licks his paws--not as bad as Abbey but definitely a problem--also gets a rash from bath and I've tried every shampoo out there--well not all but alot. He gets bumps which I have read about on the handouts from them.
Overall, a complete turnaround in my disposition today. Actually doing something besides moping around.
The good old roller coaster ride.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Day 16--I feel like such a downer lately--don't write much positive.
I gave her meds last night at 9 p.m. because I was exhausted and thought maybe I could catch up on some much needed sleep. Went to bed and last time I looked at clock was 10:15 so assume I went to sleep around then. She woke me up at 3 a.m. and up I was and gave her her gabapentin. She was back asleep by around 3:30 and of course I tossed and turned. I think I did go back to sleep but not for long and she woke me up again at around 5. She was licking, scratching and then I heard her cry--first time since surgery actually and I her paw was like it had a cramp in it--I don't know about that one--I almost thought she was having a mild seizure but I don't think so. Definitely will be talked about today at neurologist. I put her into bed with me and had to really hold her and assure her like an infant toddler in a sense and I think my talking and reassuring calmed her down. She went back to sleep and of course I didn't so I've been up since about 3 a.m. I'm exhausted. About 13 hrs. sleep in the past 3 days. Our appt. in Auburn, Alabama which is 2 1/2 hrs. from here is at 10:00 a.m. which is central time. We're eastern time here.
I'm still worried and scared. Dr. Shores on the phone yesterday said he was still positive.
Will post tonight hopefully.
I gave her meds last night at 9 p.m. because I was exhausted and thought maybe I could catch up on some much needed sleep. Went to bed and last time I looked at clock was 10:15 so assume I went to sleep around then. She woke me up at 3 a.m. and up I was and gave her her gabapentin. She was back asleep by around 3:30 and of course I tossed and turned. I think I did go back to sleep but not for long and she woke me up again at around 5. She was licking, scratching and then I heard her cry--first time since surgery actually and I her paw was like it had a cramp in it--I don't know about that one--I almost thought she was having a mild seizure but I don't think so. Definitely will be talked about today at neurologist. I put her into bed with me and had to really hold her and assure her like an infant toddler in a sense and I think my talking and reassuring calmed her down. She went back to sleep and of course I didn't so I've been up since about 3 a.m. I'm exhausted. About 13 hrs. sleep in the past 3 days. Our appt. in Auburn, Alabama which is 2 1/2 hrs. from here is at 10:00 a.m. which is central time. We're eastern time here.
I'm still worried and scared. Dr. Shores on the phone yesterday said he was still positive.
Will post tonight hopefully.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Day 15--Worried--just very worried is all I can post this a.m. Will post after I talk to neurologist.
I'm crying--what else is new. Dr. Shores just called. I'm taking her in there tomorrow for them to check her etc. On a scale of 1-10 right now I'm probably about a 3.
Will post tomorrow night probably as Auburn University in Alabama is about 2 1/2 hrs. from here so its more or less an all day deal.
Keep all of us in your prayers.
I'm crying--what else is new. Dr. Shores just called. I'm taking her in there tomorrow for them to check her etc. On a scale of 1-10 right now I'm probably about a 3.
Will post tomorrow night probably as Auburn University in Alabama is about 2 1/2 hrs. from here so its more or less an all day deal.
Keep all of us in your prayers.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Day 14--Well, as Bev one of my support people have told me--one step forward two steps backward.
Great night here. Was up till 3 a.m. which was only 90 mins ago with sounds of her snoring and here we are 75 minutes later giving her gabepentin again only 5 hrs. after her last nightly dose. Will give her 15 minutes and she'll be snoring again --not much sleep tonight.
Today has not been the greatest of days lets say. Gave her gabapentin at noon and took her outside and thought maybe she'd like to be around us in the office--Our office is at one end of the house and on the other is where she is at in the family room. Well, I dug out a "pack and play" like a portacrib for you old foggies--lol that I had used for my grandson. Set it up in the office and thought she would be happy seeing me work and seeing the other 3 dogs. Well, she was scratching, kicking, rubbing etc. in there and of course when I see this I get stressed and I end up calling good ol George in almost tears and sounding worried and he reassures me and says just watch her etc. Well, I hang up and I can't figure out why she is doing this so shortly after the meds. I think could it be possibly that she can't stand to see the other dogs out laying on the couch etc. I decide to put her back in the other playpen and after a few minutes she settles down again. I guess she probably doesn't understand why she can't be with them?????
One good thing--a florist shop in town called a couple hours ago verifying our address and saying somebody is sending George and Linda flowers. I can't wait to see who it is--been 2 hrs. and they still aren't here.
Well, the flowers were from my son and daughter-in-law who live on the other side of the country. I went to pieces when they came. It was so thoughtful of them and meant so much that somebody would actually send flowers in this circumstance. I guess my son knows what our dogs mean to us. He grew up with a shih tzu named Sandy who lived to be 11 and we were certainly in love with her also.
Ok more crappie news. I went to pieces tonight when George got home. I was not prepared at all for Abbey to be showing these symptoms before the 2 week mark. I haven't heard of this from anybody and it scares the holey crapola out of me. Anyways, George put his foot down. He's been the one talking to the neurologist and tonight he said you have got to talk to him soooooooooo Georgie called him and left msg for him to call. Was about 5 their time when he called so hopefully he does call in the a.m. When George has addressed this the neurologist has said its too early but but but but that awful but word. Another words to me since I'm saying but I'm in disbelief so I need to hear it with my own ears and maybe then it will sink in. Just gave her meds at 10:00 p.m. and hitting the bed and maybe tonight I will get more than 3 hours sleep.
Great night here. Was up till 3 a.m. which was only 90 mins ago with sounds of her snoring and here we are 75 minutes later giving her gabepentin again only 5 hrs. after her last nightly dose. Will give her 15 minutes and she'll be snoring again --not much sleep tonight.
Today has not been the greatest of days lets say. Gave her gabapentin at noon and took her outside and thought maybe she'd like to be around us in the office--Our office is at one end of the house and on the other is where she is at in the family room. Well, I dug out a "pack and play" like a portacrib for you old foggies--lol that I had used for my grandson. Set it up in the office and thought she would be happy seeing me work and seeing the other 3 dogs. Well, she was scratching, kicking, rubbing etc. in there and of course when I see this I get stressed and I end up calling good ol George in almost tears and sounding worried and he reassures me and says just watch her etc. Well, I hang up and I can't figure out why she is doing this so shortly after the meds. I think could it be possibly that she can't stand to see the other dogs out laying on the couch etc. I decide to put her back in the other playpen and after a few minutes she settles down again. I guess she probably doesn't understand why she can't be with them?????
One good thing--a florist shop in town called a couple hours ago verifying our address and saying somebody is sending George and Linda flowers. I can't wait to see who it is--been 2 hrs. and they still aren't here.
Well, the flowers were from my son and daughter-in-law who live on the other side of the country. I went to pieces when they came. It was so thoughtful of them and meant so much that somebody would actually send flowers in this circumstance. I guess my son knows what our dogs mean to us. He grew up with a shih tzu named Sandy who lived to be 11 and we were certainly in love with her also.
Ok more crappie news. I went to pieces tonight when George got home. I was not prepared at all for Abbey to be showing these symptoms before the 2 week mark. I haven't heard of this from anybody and it scares the holey crapola out of me. Anyways, George put his foot down. He's been the one talking to the neurologist and tonight he said you have got to talk to him soooooooooo Georgie called him and left msg for him to call. Was about 5 their time when he called so hopefully he does call in the a.m. When George has addressed this the neurologist has said its too early but but but but that awful but word. Another words to me since I'm saying but I'm in disbelief so I need to hear it with my own ears and maybe then it will sink in. Just gave her meds at 10:00 p.m. and hitting the bed and maybe tonight I will get more than 3 hours sleep.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Day 13--wow hard to believe its almost been 2 weeks. Its 2 weeks today that we took her to the hospital though.
She did good last night. She let me sleep till 6:45 this a.m. Yea!!!! lol.
George just called and he talked to Dr. Shores and this is what was discussed:
omeprazole--very safe dosage she is on and don't be concerned about long term use that you read about on the net--the study that was done that you read about was not accurate. I might have George write a little on this one later since he's the one who talked to him.
She sleeps alot--he said thats good--she still is recooperating etc. I agree--I'd rather have her sleep than going nuts in the playpen and crate etc.
Go to vet this week for staple removal--carry or harness and leash. We can put harness on her but no leash--no stress on the neck at all. Ok I will carry her.
Symptoms of scratching and licking etc. Said it takes time--way too early to see this disappear. Will slowly see her progress which we have. Irritation should start going away so again "takes time". Membranes still coming together and inflammation etc. He said he was extremely happy with the way the operation went. Ok I feel pretty good now. :-)
We asked about a couple other drugs--rimadyl and cimetidine--said the cimetidine causes problems with digestive system so he wants her on the omeprazole. Says no real neurological benefits.
Asked about bathing her which I did the day I picked her up from the operation and was told when staples came out--George asked this again today and he said day after staples are removed. She needs a bath and she's getting matts in her ear which I'm going to just cut them out--no way am I pulling on her ears etc. In regards to bathing thats kind of scarey. I don't know about that one ....................
Feeling positive and before George called I had read on the net that it does take time for the symptoms to disappear etc.
Almost 10:00 p.m. and in about 45 mins will give her her nightly meds. She had a really good day although she did sleep alot. Course what else can she do when she is confined in a playpen? At least she's not screaming or getting on her hind legs to try and get out. I'll take the sleeping any day. :-)
Well, its 12:25 a.m. and she's snoring so bad that I'm up and sitting at the computer. lol. Not going to be alot of sleep tonight I don't think. Today something good came out of this site. A person just like me and practically the same circumstances came on this blog and watched our video of Abbey's symptoms and she knew her dog had sm. She has taken her dog Ruby to the vet and the vet of course didn't believe her at first but then listened. Gave the dog a steroid injection which helped. Yep Abbey was on steroids for her so called allergies. This dog has been diagnosed as having ear problems and food allergies. Her story coud have almost been mine. My advice to her was to get Ruby to a neurologist for at least an evaluation and go from there. My heart aches for this family and of course the dog but Abbey has already helped somebody else so like I said from the start I wanted some good to come out of this and it already has. I'm helping to spread the word about this awful disease. I know two vets in my city know more than they did a couple months ago and I know my current vet has told other vets so again my heart is warm in knowing that we are helping others. My prayers are with you Tracy and Ruby tonight.
She did good last night. She let me sleep till 6:45 this a.m. Yea!!!! lol.
George just called and he talked to Dr. Shores and this is what was discussed:
omeprazole--very safe dosage she is on and don't be concerned about long term use that you read about on the net--the study that was done that you read about was not accurate. I might have George write a little on this one later since he's the one who talked to him.
She sleeps alot--he said thats good--she still is recooperating etc. I agree--I'd rather have her sleep than going nuts in the playpen and crate etc.
Go to vet this week for staple removal--carry or harness and leash. We can put harness on her but no leash--no stress on the neck at all. Ok I will carry her.
Symptoms of scratching and licking etc. Said it takes time--way too early to see this disappear. Will slowly see her progress which we have. Irritation should start going away so again "takes time". Membranes still coming together and inflammation etc. He said he was extremely happy with the way the operation went. Ok I feel pretty good now. :-)
We asked about a couple other drugs--rimadyl and cimetidine--said the cimetidine causes problems with digestive system so he wants her on the omeprazole. Says no real neurological benefits.
Asked about bathing her which I did the day I picked her up from the operation and was told when staples came out--George asked this again today and he said day after staples are removed. She needs a bath and she's getting matts in her ear which I'm going to just cut them out--no way am I pulling on her ears etc. In regards to bathing thats kind of scarey. I don't know about that one ....................
Feeling positive and before George called I had read on the net that it does take time for the symptoms to disappear etc.
Almost 10:00 p.m. and in about 45 mins will give her her nightly meds. She had a really good day although she did sleep alot. Course what else can she do when she is confined in a playpen? At least she's not screaming or getting on her hind legs to try and get out. I'll take the sleeping any day. :-)
Well, its 12:25 a.m. and she's snoring so bad that I'm up and sitting at the computer. lol. Not going to be alot of sleep tonight I don't think. Today something good came out of this site. A person just like me and practically the same circumstances came on this blog and watched our video of Abbey's symptoms and she knew her dog had sm. She has taken her dog Ruby to the vet and the vet of course didn't believe her at first but then listened. Gave the dog a steroid injection which helped. Yep Abbey was on steroids for her so called allergies. This dog has been diagnosed as having ear problems and food allergies. Her story coud have almost been mine. My advice to her was to get Ruby to a neurologist for at least an evaluation and go from there. My heart aches for this family and of course the dog but Abbey has already helped somebody else so like I said from the start I wanted some good to come out of this and it already has. I'm helping to spread the word about this awful disease. I know two vets in my city know more than they did a couple months ago and I know my current vet has told other vets so again my heart is warm in knowing that we are helping others. My prayers are with you Tracy and Ruby tonight.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Day 12--Not alot to report. I was up with her at 5 a.m. and gave her gabapentin and again it was 6 hrs. after her last dosage. I am finding like I said that she starts between 5 a.m. - 6 a.m. with scratching etc. Went back to bed and put her in her crate and she went back to sleep. We got up at 8:30 and took her out. I want to take a video of her outside and its been raining and cloudy here but the next time I do take her out I think I will and post it at the you tube site--see in my links. She scarfed her breakfast down. No problems there anymore. Tomorrow we are to call Dr. Shores and give a report so will definitely post what he says. Of course my main concern now is her symptoms but again everybody is telling me--way too early but then I hear myself hearing Dr. Shores saying the most results are in the first 6 weeks and we are almost at the 2 week mark. People are finding ways to find me--in the guestbook and please note my e-mail address at the top. I have seen a couple guestbook entries where they wanted to send me a link or message etc. and didn't know how. I soooooooooooooo appreciate your signing my guestbook and telling me that it has helped etc. That motivates me even more to keep this up.
I just did a video of her showing how she's walking etc. but have to wait till son gets home so he can get it off of this camcorder which is very old--about 11 years old. As I'm typing this I hear her yelling to me--get me out of this playpen--I want some attention--lol.
Abbey is doing well and we are doing better also. Overall, this is alot easier than I thought it would be. I'm surprised that she puts up with being in the playpen like she does. She's pretty much in the playpen or the crate at night except for taking her outside for her duty which we are only out there for about 1-2 mins. Doesn't take her long at all to do her job. Also, of course have her on our laps at times also.
I'm making my list of questions for the report to Dr. Shores tomorrow. I have quite a few questions.
I just did a video of her showing how she's walking etc. but have to wait till son gets home so he can get it off of this camcorder which is very old--about 11 years old. As I'm typing this I hear her yelling to me--get me out of this playpen--I want some attention--lol.
Abbey is doing well and we are doing better also. Overall, this is alot easier than I thought it would be. I'm surprised that she puts up with being in the playpen like she does. She's pretty much in the playpen or the crate at night except for taking her outside for her duty which we are only out there for about 1-2 mins. Doesn't take her long at all to do her job. Also, of course have her on our laps at times also.
I'm making my list of questions for the report to Dr. Shores tomorrow. I have quite a few questions.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Day 11---Well, I wake up at 5 a.m. to Abbey licking etc. Take her outside and also decide to give her a dose of gabapentin even though its only been 6 hrs. since giving her her last nightly dose. Take her back into the bedroom and put her in the crate and I back to my mattress. She goes back to sleep in about 15 mins. Thats one thing doesn't take long for the meds to take effect. Unfortunately I toss and turn for over a hour but eventually do go back to sleep. Wake back up at 8:15 and get up. The whole house is up--George, 3 dogs and son Kevin. Give her her other meds of the sulfa trim for her UTI, omeprazole and the miconazole drops. I might add on the miconazole that we spilled some of it yesterday a.m. and I called my vet to get some more and what they have didn't match what was on the bottle so called Auburn U and come to find out that this is something that they compound. I ask if my compounding pharmacy here can make it and they said doubtful. One ingredient they probably would not have. My 2 options is for them to call my vet and they tell them were to order this one ingredient from in Atlanta or for them to mail it to me which I won't get until monday. Go with them sending it to me and hopefully we don't run out.
Kind of bummed out this morning--not depressed but just quiet and scared I guess you would say. Just gets me alot to wake up on some mornings and have her itching and licking--George reassures me this a.m. that it takes awhile for the syrinx to shrink etc. Normally I would feel better and do a little but still scared. I can't shake this scared feeling
The weather change today also. The last few days has been beautiful and sunny and today is cloudy and drizzly. I know the pressure changes has an effect on how they feel etc. so maybe thats it. I am going to start journaling and showing the weather on each day etc. to see the correlation.
Well, as I was typing that last paragraph I heard Abbey crying and of course ran down there and she was rubbing her head etc. Not going good on this day and what this all boils down to is the scared little girl hoping her dog will be ok through all of this. My stomach is in knots and my head feels like its spacey--hard to explain. Again, I know what I am feeling is being scared.
Its 1:40 p.m. and Abbey has been asleep most of the day. She did eat well this a.m. She has not had meds since about 5:15 a.m. this morning so as of right now its 8 1/2 hrs. I do not want to wake her as it will be over 8 hrs until the next dose too if she would have it now.
I don't know what my problem today is. I haven't been angry for over a week but today I'm mad. I'm mad at my old vet and still do not understand why she didn't pursue Abbey's symptoms. I'm angry that my dog has been in pain for a very long time. I'm not mad at myself thank god for that. How would I know. I'm not a doctor or vet. Do we put too much trust into our vets??? grrrrrr I'm MAD. I'd like to drive up to my old vet with her and say look at her and then my heart aches and the scared little girl always comes out.
I have figured out that Abbey's bad time is during the early morning-mid morning. For just having surgery she is doing remarkable and overall I'm very pleased. The reason I get down is just the fear of her not getting any better and I truly do not think that so I must stop this. Have to be more positive!!!! She's going to be much better and it will be before we know it!!!
Kind of bummed out this morning--not depressed but just quiet and scared I guess you would say. Just gets me alot to wake up on some mornings and have her itching and licking--George reassures me this a.m. that it takes awhile for the syrinx to shrink etc. Normally I would feel better and do a little but still scared. I can't shake this scared feeling
The weather change today also. The last few days has been beautiful and sunny and today is cloudy and drizzly. I know the pressure changes has an effect on how they feel etc. so maybe thats it. I am going to start journaling and showing the weather on each day etc. to see the correlation.
Well, as I was typing that last paragraph I heard Abbey crying and of course ran down there and she was rubbing her head etc. Not going good on this day and what this all boils down to is the scared little girl hoping her dog will be ok through all of this. My stomach is in knots and my head feels like its spacey--hard to explain. Again, I know what I am feeling is being scared.
Its 1:40 p.m. and Abbey has been asleep most of the day. She did eat well this a.m. She has not had meds since about 5:15 a.m. this morning so as of right now its 8 1/2 hrs. I do not want to wake her as it will be over 8 hrs until the next dose too if she would have it now.
I don't know what my problem today is. I haven't been angry for over a week but today I'm mad. I'm mad at my old vet and still do not understand why she didn't pursue Abbey's symptoms. I'm angry that my dog has been in pain for a very long time. I'm not mad at myself thank god for that. How would I know. I'm not a doctor or vet. Do we put too much trust into our vets??? grrrrrr I'm MAD. I'd like to drive up to my old vet with her and say look at her and then my heart aches and the scared little girl always comes out.
I have figured out that Abbey's bad time is during the early morning-mid morning. For just having surgery she is doing remarkable and overall I'm very pleased. The reason I get down is just the fear of her not getting any better and I truly do not think that so I must stop this. Have to be more positive!!!! She's going to be much better and it will be before we know it!!!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Day 10 and its Friday the 13th BUT woke up to a very good day. Opened my eyes and Abbey was dead asleep!!! That was sure nicer than opening my eyes to her distressed licking her feet etc.
About 5 1/2 hrs. after Abbey got up and she's resting and sleeping very comfortable. Seems like we're going up the roller coaster more than down it the past couple days which is good. Sure hope that continues. She's still eating very good--of course what dog wouldn't when they get chix, potatoes, yogurt etc. Will be hard when this is over and to get her back on dog food again. Last night I tried mixing a bit of canned dog food in and she's smart--she ate around it and managed to eat 90% of it except the canned food--lol. Who cares--after this she deserves something and besides its healthy although she could use some more nutrients but Dr. Shores said just give her what she will eat.
Abbey has been pretty good today. Only having the gabapentin now for pain--totally off the tramadol. She has licked her paws a little but not that bad and has slept alot. Had a poo.
Was going to take a video of her today but unfortunately the battery in the camcorder was dead. Hopefully it doesn't rain tomorrow and we can do it. She doesn't seem to be in any pain and lets us know when she wants attention.
About 5 1/2 hrs. after Abbey got up and she's resting and sleeping very comfortable. Seems like we're going up the roller coaster more than down it the past couple days which is good. Sure hope that continues. She's still eating very good--of course what dog wouldn't when they get chix, potatoes, yogurt etc. Will be hard when this is over and to get her back on dog food again. Last night I tried mixing a bit of canned dog food in and she's smart--she ate around it and managed to eat 90% of it except the canned food--lol. Who cares--after this she deserves something and besides its healthy although she could use some more nutrients but Dr. Shores said just give her what she will eat.
Abbey has been pretty good today. Only having the gabapentin now for pain--totally off the tramadol. She has licked her paws a little but not that bad and has slept alot. Had a poo.
Was going to take a video of her today but unfortunately the battery in the camcorder was dead. Hopefully it doesn't rain tomorrow and we can do it. She doesn't seem to be in any pain and lets us know when she wants attention.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Day 9--Well, woke up at 6:15 a.m. to Abbey licking her paws and chewing and scratching. What a thing to open your eyes to. Gets to me BUT again I know its too early to tell what the results of this surgery will bring. I have no regrets of doing it and never will--we felt we had no choice. She was tooo miserable and had been misdiagnosed for too long. Its that word "progression"--if we didn't do the surgery then what do we do--wait until she falls over? Please remember I'm writing what I feel and for everybody that is going through this its an individual choice and you have to do what is right for YOU and most importantly your DOG. Every case was different. Ours had a seizure at about 9 weeks of age so probably all her life she's had pain.
George calls the neurologist's office today to give a report on how she has done the past two days. She's coming around like I mentioned. George took her out this morning and said she is more lively than yesterday and after peeing did her little kick deal. Of course she is sleeping away now as she's had her meds. We used the last two tramadol this a.m. so will see what they say about that. I really don't want to give her anymore. I hope they don't recommend putting her back on the steroids as yesterday somewhere on the net I read about a dog having 15 teeth extracted yesterday and was because they had been on steroids for so long. Not sure what how long was. Something that will definitely have to be discussed if they say to put her back on.
Today I am tired. I know its 8 hrs. between meds but after getting them at night which I go to bed right after I toss and turn ---can't go to sleep. Don't know if its the time change or ???? Another weird thing--I am on bp meds which is controlled and yesterday had my checkup and expected my bp to be way up there because of all this--alot has happened the past two months--my favorite aunt passed away, Abbey and my son also is having marriage problems and has moved back here so you see alot on my plate. Unbelievable my bp was the lowest its been since I was diagnosed with high bp about 9 years ago. I couldn't believe it. Said to the aid it must be because of all the crying I have done. It takes ALOT for me to cry but I sure have had my share of letting it loose the past 2 months.
I also know that her licking and chewing and everything else is not allergies and is her sm. When I hear the word allergies I literally feel like I'm in the crazy bin. I am so sick and tired of being told this could be allergies. BULL SHIT. Excuse the french--lol.
Another person I have met on this journey her dog had surgery yesterday. She just called and now I'm scared again as we've been told its ok for her to be in a playpen, ok for her not to be on leash outside. She's been told crate only for 8 weeks etc. Now I'm scared to death that Abbey is going to get scar tissue. UGGGH. Stephanie I know you're going to read this and please don't blame yourself as like I have told you I have asked our neurologist and he says its ok. George is waiting for them to call him back as we are suppose to call them today with a report and George has his list of questions from me with him--lol. That is one thing I am very thankful for is Auburn University is very considerate about getting back to us and they take our feelings into consideration also.
Sometimes I get sooooooooo scared like a little girl wanting her mommy. Somebody just to reassure me that my dear Abbey who I love soooooooooooo much is going to be ok down the road and live to at least 10-11 if not more and be happy. If somebody could come to me with those words--omg I would be the happiest woman on earth. Thats all I want is Abbey to be happy and comfortable.
George just called and he talked to the neurologist--Dr. Shores and said he really feels like the scratching, licking etc. is from the inflammation and swelling etc. He asked some questions about things she's doing and he said he feels REALLY good about how it is going. When I hear that I breathe a sign of relief and I feel like I can get off my mommy's lap now--lol. Also, said its ok for the dogs to be by Abbey--like I said the other 3 are showing signs of wanting more attention. I'm very careful. Chelsea is pretty hyper so she is not allowed anywhere near me if I have Abbey on my lap. Bentley is very good--he's comfortable on my lap with Abbey so I did let the both of them with me for a bit last night. Chelsea is getting closer with George through this where before she didn't want to go with him. Now I think she thinks she has to have some attention and if I don't give it to her then he's not so bad--lol. Dr. Shores also said just to continue the meds like we are doing--no more tramadol--we are out of that and no steroids which at this point I'm glad. Could change.
I was on the opposite side of the house and heard Abbey making noise--like she was trying to call me so I go in there and figure she has to go outside so take her out and she goes poop and I'm shocked at how well she is walking--her head seems better also. Doesn't seem as tilted and seems like she's walking more straight.
For a day that started out so cruddy by my opening my eyes to her licking etc. in just 5 hrs. I feel good. This good ol roller coaster ride.
Abbey has done good the rest of the day. Tonight while in the playpen which is in our family room she let everybody know that she wanted out--she started thrashing the blanket around and kicking her feet and this was her definitely saying I want out and want some attention NOW. lol. Its good to see her coming around a bit. She only had tramadol this early morning--around 6:15 a.m. and there is no more and Dr. Shores said just to do the other meds that we are doing. I think maybe the a.m. is her bad time--when the meds are wearing off from the night. Unfortunately, I'm not getting alot of sleep as I just can't go to sleep right away.
Watching the video again put a knot in my stomach. Now that we know that she isn't wacko it was very hard to watch as she's in pain. As I typed that my hands were just frozen. Hard to explain but hard to even type--I guess somebody going through this would understand what I am trying to say in this paragraph.
George calls the neurologist's office today to give a report on how she has done the past two days. She's coming around like I mentioned. George took her out this morning and said she is more lively than yesterday and after peeing did her little kick deal. Of course she is sleeping away now as she's had her meds. We used the last two tramadol this a.m. so will see what they say about that. I really don't want to give her anymore. I hope they don't recommend putting her back on the steroids as yesterday somewhere on the net I read about a dog having 15 teeth extracted yesterday and was because they had been on steroids for so long. Not sure what how long was. Something that will definitely have to be discussed if they say to put her back on.
Today I am tired. I know its 8 hrs. between meds but after getting them at night which I go to bed right after I toss and turn ---can't go to sleep. Don't know if its the time change or ???? Another weird thing--I am on bp meds which is controlled and yesterday had my checkup and expected my bp to be way up there because of all this--alot has happened the past two months--my favorite aunt passed away, Abbey and my son also is having marriage problems and has moved back here so you see alot on my plate. Unbelievable my bp was the lowest its been since I was diagnosed with high bp about 9 years ago. I couldn't believe it. Said to the aid it must be because of all the crying I have done. It takes ALOT for me to cry but I sure have had my share of letting it loose the past 2 months.
I also know that her licking and chewing and everything else is not allergies and is her sm. When I hear the word allergies I literally feel like I'm in the crazy bin. I am so sick and tired of being told this could be allergies. BULL SHIT. Excuse the french--lol.
Another person I have met on this journey her dog had surgery yesterday. She just called and now I'm scared again as we've been told its ok for her to be in a playpen, ok for her not to be on leash outside. She's been told crate only for 8 weeks etc. Now I'm scared to death that Abbey is going to get scar tissue. UGGGH. Stephanie I know you're going to read this and please don't blame yourself as like I have told you I have asked our neurologist and he says its ok. George is waiting for them to call him back as we are suppose to call them today with a report and George has his list of questions from me with him--lol. That is one thing I am very thankful for is Auburn University is very considerate about getting back to us and they take our feelings into consideration also.
Sometimes I get sooooooooo scared like a little girl wanting her mommy. Somebody just to reassure me that my dear Abbey who I love soooooooooooo much is going to be ok down the road and live to at least 10-11 if not more and be happy. If somebody could come to me with those words--omg I would be the happiest woman on earth. Thats all I want is Abbey to be happy and comfortable.
George just called and he talked to the neurologist--Dr. Shores and said he really feels like the scratching, licking etc. is from the inflammation and swelling etc. He asked some questions about things she's doing and he said he feels REALLY good about how it is going. When I hear that I breathe a sign of relief and I feel like I can get off my mommy's lap now--lol. Also, said its ok for the dogs to be by Abbey--like I said the other 3 are showing signs of wanting more attention. I'm very careful. Chelsea is pretty hyper so she is not allowed anywhere near me if I have Abbey on my lap. Bentley is very good--he's comfortable on my lap with Abbey so I did let the both of them with me for a bit last night. Chelsea is getting closer with George through this where before she didn't want to go with him. Now I think she thinks she has to have some attention and if I don't give it to her then he's not so bad--lol. Dr. Shores also said just to continue the meds like we are doing--no more tramadol--we are out of that and no steroids which at this point I'm glad. Could change.
I was on the opposite side of the house and heard Abbey making noise--like she was trying to call me so I go in there and figure she has to go outside so take her out and she goes poop and I'm shocked at how well she is walking--her head seems better also. Doesn't seem as tilted and seems like she's walking more straight.
For a day that started out so cruddy by my opening my eyes to her licking etc. in just 5 hrs. I feel good. This good ol roller coaster ride.
Abbey has done good the rest of the day. Tonight while in the playpen which is in our family room she let everybody know that she wanted out--she started thrashing the blanket around and kicking her feet and this was her definitely saying I want out and want some attention NOW. lol. Its good to see her coming around a bit. She only had tramadol this early morning--around 6:15 a.m. and there is no more and Dr. Shores said just to do the other meds that we are doing. I think maybe the a.m. is her bad time--when the meds are wearing off from the night. Unfortunately, I'm not getting alot of sleep as I just can't go to sleep right away.
Watching the video again put a knot in my stomach. Now that we know that she isn't wacko it was very hard to watch as she's in pain. As I typed that my hands were just frozen. Hard to explain but hard to even type--I guess somebody going through this would understand what I am trying to say in this paragraph.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Day 8 after surgery. Well, I awoke at 6 a.m. to Abbey standing in her crate and looking at me and wimpering. Thought she needs to go out so up I go and open her crate and get her and carry her outside so she can do her duty. Bring her back in and put her back in her crate and I climb back into my bed (mattress on floor). She is still standing in crate and looking at me and gently wimpering. I really think she just wanted some attention and wanted to climb into bed with me. The neurologist did tell me I could have her in bed with me since the mattress is on the floor but I'm too nervous to do so. Afraid in my sleep I would roll on her or kick her or push her off etc. She didn't do this for very long and then settled back down and went back to sleep but of course I was up so wasn't long I said heck with it and got up.
Today I have a doctor appointment so I have to leave her which I haven't done yet and I don't want to but I don't have much choice or else I can't get my prescriptions refilled.
The other 3 dogs are starting to show signs of neglect--somebody is pooping in the office and they are not writing their name on it so I don't know who it is but considering the size of it I think it is Bentley. Yesterday I saw the signs so started making more of an effort to pay them more attention. These guys are like little 2-year olds and I guess this is probably their way of saying hey we didn't do nothing and we deserve some attention too.
Abbey is eating well although I am feeding her good food. lol. This a.m. she got some leftover marinated pork loin, chicken breast, potatoes and a bit of yogurt to mix it all together. She scarfed it up.
The meds are going a little better although this thing is one smart cookie. This a.m. I thought she had swallowed and son of a gun a minute later we see a pill on the cover. geesh. Again, though it is going alot easier. The gun thing the vet gave me works great. The liquids are very easy to get down her--its still the pills I'm having a little problem with.
Overall, this is easier than I thought it would be but still not alot of fun. My fear still is that in the end she will be no better than she was but then I listen to other people and then hear my neurologist telling me he's had 100% success with this and also I haven't heard one person yet that has had the surgery that regretted it.
Well, it is now 2:00 p.m. and Abbey is doing really well although still sleeping alot and that I know is because of the tramadol. The weather in Georgia is absolutely beautiful. Took her out 2 hrs. ago and she walked around a little and then laid down as if she wanted to enjoy the weather. Unfortunately, I had to pick her up and put her back in the playpen as I had to leave to go to the doctor. Today was the first time I have left the house since coming home and of course had a long wait at the doctor and was gone about 75 mins. which in my mind was much too long. Came home and she was sound asleep.
Well, on day 8 we are seeing signs of her coming around and we are happy!!!! I cam home from the doctor and sat down and had Bentley and Chelsea my two other cavaliers on my lap and after about 3 minutes Abbey stands up in the playpen and starts to swat the side of it like let me out. I then take Bentley and Chelsea to the other side of the house and go back and get Abbey thinking that possibly she has to go poop--couldn't be pee because I had taken her out about 75 minutes before. Took her out and she did pee and brought her back and put her in the pen and she did it again. Hmmmmm somebody wants some attention. :-) Couldn't stand her mommy paying attention to the other two. lol. Is a good sign though!!!
Today is a good day for both Abbey and me.
Today I have a doctor appointment so I have to leave her which I haven't done yet and I don't want to but I don't have much choice or else I can't get my prescriptions refilled.
The other 3 dogs are starting to show signs of neglect--somebody is pooping in the office and they are not writing their name on it so I don't know who it is but considering the size of it I think it is Bentley. Yesterday I saw the signs so started making more of an effort to pay them more attention. These guys are like little 2-year olds and I guess this is probably their way of saying hey we didn't do nothing and we deserve some attention too.
Abbey is eating well although I am feeding her good food. lol. This a.m. she got some leftover marinated pork loin, chicken breast, potatoes and a bit of yogurt to mix it all together. She scarfed it up.
The meds are going a little better although this thing is one smart cookie. This a.m. I thought she had swallowed and son of a gun a minute later we see a pill on the cover. geesh. Again, though it is going alot easier. The gun thing the vet gave me works great. The liquids are very easy to get down her--its still the pills I'm having a little problem with.
Overall, this is easier than I thought it would be but still not alot of fun. My fear still is that in the end she will be no better than she was but then I listen to other people and then hear my neurologist telling me he's had 100% success with this and also I haven't heard one person yet that has had the surgery that regretted it.
Well, it is now 2:00 p.m. and Abbey is doing really well although still sleeping alot and that I know is because of the tramadol. The weather in Georgia is absolutely beautiful. Took her out 2 hrs. ago and she walked around a little and then laid down as if she wanted to enjoy the weather. Unfortunately, I had to pick her up and put her back in the playpen as I had to leave to go to the doctor. Today was the first time I have left the house since coming home and of course had a long wait at the doctor and was gone about 75 mins. which in my mind was much too long. Came home and she was sound asleep.
Well, on day 8 we are seeing signs of her coming around and we are happy!!!! I cam home from the doctor and sat down and had Bentley and Chelsea my two other cavaliers on my lap and after about 3 minutes Abbey stands up in the playpen and starts to swat the side of it like let me out. I then take Bentley and Chelsea to the other side of the house and go back and get Abbey thinking that possibly she has to go poop--couldn't be pee because I had taken her out about 75 minutes before. Took her out and she did pee and brought her back and put her in the pen and she did it again. Hmmmmm somebody wants some attention. :-) Couldn't stand her mommy paying attention to the other two. lol. Is a good sign though!!!
Today is a good day for both Abbey and me.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Day 7--Today is one week since Abbey's surgery and I woke up to Abbey making her distress noises--little cries in a sense but not really--very hard to explain unless you hear them. She was licking her paws. I am sleeping on the floor--mattress is on the floor with no frame and box springs so almost at her level. She is in a crate right where she can see me. I immediately opened the crate and felt her paws when she came out and they were soaked. I feel like I have been kicked in the stomach and about ready to vomit literally. The fear is horrible right now. That has been my greatest fear in this whole deal--not the surgery--not the recooperation--the fear that she will be no better than she was before BUT she has to be better and is because the fluid is flowing and the progression has stopped. As far as the symptoms of what she has been doing time will tell but she was sooooooooooooo miserable before this and from my post this has been going on a very long time. Right now I'm scared and feel like crying which as I type this I am starting.
Ok I call one of my people of my support group as I call them. :-) Her dog had this surgery 3 1/2 years ago and is doing well. She reasurres me that this is much too early for any changes AND I know this. I really do but you do go up and down with your emotions with this. One minute you're in tears and the next you're ok--well you have to be for them. Does them no good for you to be stressed out.
George calls neurologist to voice our concerns with the licking. They first want to rule out about allergy. When George starts telling me this on the phone I want to literally scream THIS IS NOT ANY --- DA-- ALLERGY. I heard that all her life. He calms me down--lol. Poor man is dealing with a menopausal woman again--lol. Up and down like a yoyo. I listen---hmmm yesterday I added rice to the chicken and yogurt. Hmmmm could she possibly be allergic to the rice? My head is playing tricks on me right now. What the heck--take her off the rice--gawd almighty here we go again. I have potatoes boiling in the pot now for potatoes, chicken and yogurt. Neurologist says put her back on the tramadol but only give 2 pills which I did and she is sleeping in her playpen. Thank god and I am typing my feelings on this blog. We're to call clinic in two days and give report. That is one thing I am very very pleased with Dr. Shores and all of the staff.
Well, the roller coaster is still going but at this time I'm going up instead of down like this morning. After George talked the neurologist I gave her two of the tramadol and she's been better this afternoon-evening. Even had her walking around a little bit in the kitchen and gave her some cheese on the floor and she ate it and took a couple of pictures. Also, she has stood up in the playpen a few times today and lets me know that she wants to get out and be held. So today is the first day really that I'm seeing a little positive and maybe she is recooperating a little. I know we still have a very long way to go. I'm still very concerned about the licking paw deal and of course with the tramadol that is no longer there but we are to call on thursday and give a report.
Ok I call one of my people of my support group as I call them. :-) Her dog had this surgery 3 1/2 years ago and is doing well. She reasurres me that this is much too early for any changes AND I know this. I really do but you do go up and down with your emotions with this. One minute you're in tears and the next you're ok--well you have to be for them. Does them no good for you to be stressed out.
George calls neurologist to voice our concerns with the licking. They first want to rule out about allergy. When George starts telling me this on the phone I want to literally scream THIS IS NOT ANY --- DA-- ALLERGY. I heard that all her life. He calms me down--lol. Poor man is dealing with a menopausal woman again--lol. Up and down like a yoyo. I listen---hmmm yesterday I added rice to the chicken and yogurt. Hmmmm could she possibly be allergic to the rice? My head is playing tricks on me right now. What the heck--take her off the rice--gawd almighty here we go again. I have potatoes boiling in the pot now for potatoes, chicken and yogurt. Neurologist says put her back on the tramadol but only give 2 pills which I did and she is sleeping in her playpen. Thank god and I am typing my feelings on this blog. We're to call clinic in two days and give report. That is one thing I am very very pleased with Dr. Shores and all of the staff.
Well, the roller coaster is still going but at this time I'm going up instead of down like this morning. After George talked the neurologist I gave her two of the tramadol and she's been better this afternoon-evening. Even had her walking around a little bit in the kitchen and gave her some cheese on the floor and she ate it and took a couple of pictures. Also, she has stood up in the playpen a few times today and lets me know that she wants to get out and be held. So today is the first day really that I'm seeing a little positive and maybe she is recooperating a little. I know we still have a very long way to go. I'm still very concerned about the licking paw deal and of course with the tramadol that is no longer there but we are to call on thursday and give a report.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Day 7--Abbey slept well last night. Didn't hear a peep out of her except her snoring which used to drive me nuts but now I cheerish it. We started a nightmare yesterday with getting her meds down her--she's one smart cookie. We have tried everything--ham, chicken, different varieties of cheese, liver on and on. She is rejecting everything and just keeps those lips tight. She's on alot of meds. This is her daily schedule since coming home:
A.M.--gabapentin 1.5 ml, omeprazole--1/2 tablet or 10 mg--I have both pills and before her surgery had run out of pills and gotten liquid compounded, tramadol, 3 pills --the clinic cut a tablet in quarters and I give her 3, sulfatrim--1/2 tablet, and miconazole--6 drops in each ear.
Afternoon--gabapentin 1.5 ml, tramadol 3 quarters
Nightime--gabapentin 1.5 ml, tramadol 3 quarters, sulfatrim 1/2 tablet and miconazole 6 drops in each ear
I'm afraid to try things like yogurt etc. as the medication will dissolve when wet and if she doesn't take it all then I have no idea how much she has had. Upon somebody's recommendation I decide to take her to the vet for help. When I get there my new vet of approximately only one month who has seen me cry more than my kids have asks me all sorts of questions--what kinds of food am I trying and what is she on etc. He shows me this neat little tool that you put the pills in and you put it through the side of her mouth and then wham push the pills along with clamping her mouth until she swallows. The key is to get them way back in the throat. I have done this 3 times now and still having a little problem but is alot better. I'm still not getting them back there though as I thought she had swallowed which she had and son of a gun out comes one of the two pills--geesh. I have found she loves yogurt so going to syringe a bit of yogurt into the side of her mouth after clamping her mouth as that will make her swallow. Stay posted on how that works. lol. The vet and aid both taste the liquid gabapentin and he says "that tastes like and doesn't finish--his aid finishes by saying "crap". I laugh and say you mean shit. They both say it tastes like the stuff at the dentist office that they put on your gums to pre numb you before the shot. Dr. Davis says its a taste that doesn't go away. He said I don't blame her--lol. Personally, I'm having a much easier time getting the liquid down than the pills. My problem is not getting them back far enough and sure it will get better everyday as it already has. She's eating good--I've been making her chix breast-rice and yogurt to make it a little gooey--not alot just some moisture in it. She gobbles this up. She is still sleeping most of the time. Not awake very much which is a blessing in disguise. Only day 6 since surgery.
A.M.--gabapentin 1.5 ml, omeprazole--1/2 tablet or 10 mg--I have both pills and before her surgery had run out of pills and gotten liquid compounded, tramadol, 3 pills --the clinic cut a tablet in quarters and I give her 3, sulfatrim--1/2 tablet, and miconazole--6 drops in each ear.
Afternoon--gabapentin 1.5 ml, tramadol 3 quarters
Nightime--gabapentin 1.5 ml, tramadol 3 quarters, sulfatrim 1/2 tablet and miconazole 6 drops in each ear
I'm afraid to try things like yogurt etc. as the medication will dissolve when wet and if she doesn't take it all then I have no idea how much she has had. Upon somebody's recommendation I decide to take her to the vet for help. When I get there my new vet of approximately only one month who has seen me cry more than my kids have asks me all sorts of questions--what kinds of food am I trying and what is she on etc. He shows me this neat little tool that you put the pills in and you put it through the side of her mouth and then wham push the pills along with clamping her mouth until she swallows. The key is to get them way back in the throat. I have done this 3 times now and still having a little problem but is alot better. I'm still not getting them back there though as I thought she had swallowed which she had and son of a gun out comes one of the two pills--geesh. I have found she loves yogurt so going to syringe a bit of yogurt into the side of her mouth after clamping her mouth as that will make her swallow. Stay posted on how that works. lol. The vet and aid both taste the liquid gabapentin and he says "that tastes like and doesn't finish--his aid finishes by saying "crap". I laugh and say you mean shit. They both say it tastes like the stuff at the dentist office that they put on your gums to pre numb you before the shot. Dr. Davis says its a taste that doesn't go away. He said I don't blame her--lol. Personally, I'm having a much easier time getting the liquid down than the pills. My problem is not getting them back far enough and sure it will get better everyday as it already has. She's eating good--I've been making her chix breast-rice and yogurt to make it a little gooey--not alot just some moisture in it. She gobbles this up. She is still sleeping most of the time. Not awake very much which is a blessing in disguise. Only day 6 since surgery.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Day 5--Again doing a copy and paste from another site since I started this blog after this date. This is what I wrote:
She finally ate!!!! Almost a week really since she ate. Last sunday night for dinner as we left early monday morning with her. I mixed her up some cooked chix breast that I ran through the meat grinder and mixed it with plain fat free yogurt and mixed up 3 times. Might have eaten even more but was afraid that she might eat too much and get sick so we stopped. Made me VERY VERY happy that she ate. Now if she would only gobble down a bunch of water. This is definitely a roller coaster ride. Today my stomach is literally sick from worry and everything else. Hard to not be right next to her and I'm forcing myself to get into the office and do some work. With a business things need to get done and don't have much choice. I'd bring her in here but with 3 other dogs just seeing them might excite her too much. Jumping up and down that she ate though.
another post I wrote later that day at another site:
We're having one heck of a time here getting both pills and liquid down Abbey. I used to hide them in meat but guess she has gotten smart and plus she's not eating really except the one time that I posted about. So last night and two times today we have been forced to force her to take them--shove them down her throat etc. She's a stubborn little thing--she lets them sit in there and won't swallow and I tried blowing in her nose--stroking her throat etc. Still she won't swallow--in the meantime she's drooling horribly and I know some of the meds are coming out and these meds are so dang important right now. She gets pills at bedtime tonight and I'm thinking about putting them in peanut butter and putting on the roof of the mouth. Do you keep their mouths shut when you do that or ??? How do I know she got the meds etc? Any ideas sure would be appreciated. This added stress has really gotten to me today. Yesterday was a pretty good day considering all that we have gone through the past 2 months and today I just feel like s h - t again. Help.
She finally ate!!!! Almost a week really since she ate. Last sunday night for dinner as we left early monday morning with her. I mixed her up some cooked chix breast that I ran through the meat grinder and mixed it with plain fat free yogurt and mixed up 3 times. Might have eaten even more but was afraid that she might eat too much and get sick so we stopped. Made me VERY VERY happy that she ate. Now if she would only gobble down a bunch of water. This is definitely a roller coaster ride. Today my stomach is literally sick from worry and everything else. Hard to not be right next to her and I'm forcing myself to get into the office and do some work. With a business things need to get done and don't have much choice. I'd bring her in here but with 3 other dogs just seeing them might excite her too much. Jumping up and down that she ate though.
another post I wrote later that day at another site:
We're having one heck of a time here getting both pills and liquid down Abbey. I used to hide them in meat but guess she has gotten smart and plus she's not eating really except the one time that I posted about. So last night and two times today we have been forced to force her to take them--shove them down her throat etc. She's a stubborn little thing--she lets them sit in there and won't swallow and I tried blowing in her nose--stroking her throat etc. Still she won't swallow--in the meantime she's drooling horribly and I know some of the meds are coming out and these meds are so dang important right now. She gets pills at bedtime tonight and I'm thinking about putting them in peanut butter and putting on the roof of the mouth. Do you keep their mouths shut when you do that or ??? How do I know she got the meds etc? Any ideas sure would be appreciated. This added stress has really gotten to me today. Yesterday was a pretty good day considering all that we have gone through the past 2 months and today I just feel like s h - t again. Help.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Day 4--Going back now to try to piece together which is hard because I am writing this one week after. I have posted at another site and trying to find things that I wrote. I'm going to do a copy and paste from what I posted at a site on Day 4:
Abbey is doing well and both George and I also. I am probably the best I have been since this whole nightmare started --being coming on this board and reading about sm and then knowing in my heart she had it and waiting for mri and then surgery etc. She hasn't had a seizure since thursday night--well really friday am barely as it was at about 12:15 a.m. if I remember right. Now we agree with the Dr. that it was probably stress related. She has never ever been kenneled or away with a stranger and that along with everything else was pretty traumatic for her. Remember these guys are like little 2 year olds. She sleeps most of the time as she's on alot of drugs. She had yeast and cocci in ears and so is on micronazole for that, sulfa trim for uti, tramadol, gabapentin and omeprazole. I haven't hardly left her since her coming home. Maybe a total of a hour. I haven't even been dressed since thursday night. I will have some time this weekend as hubby will be home and can take turns etc. I need to get in the office before monday. Anyways, for those of you that are reading this because your dog is going through this that so far its ALOT easier than I thought. Sure she has the long stitches in her head etc. but she's not in pain at all. She drinks--not eating much but today going to make some chix and try mixing it with wet food to get her to eat and if that doesn't work then chix and rice. She is getting a little food with all the pills we give her. She is very comfortable sitting in my lap and very content and never once has she looked at me with the look of omg what did you do to me. I truly believe she knows we are doing everything in our power to help her and I do KNOW that she knows how much she is loved. Heck we've turned our house upside down for this and I'm sleeping on the floor so she can see me etc. Is she worth it. You bet your booties she is.
another post I wrote that day:
Latest update--Abbey hasn't really eaten anything today--didn't even want to eat the roast beef that we had the pills concealed in with cream cheese etc. The last pills almost had to force them down her. Now worried what we are going to do tonight. Sure hate to force them but with her spitting this stuff out especially the liquid gabapentin you don't know how much she got etc. She's not really drinking either. Did first thing this a.m. and nothing since. Hubby put down her 2 syringefuls this afternoon. Talked to hospital and they said not to be concerned at this point as she is going to the bathroom.
Doctor will call in the morning. Guess he will call daily--he did this a.m. and was surprised he called on a saturday and hospital said he would automatically call in the a.m.
Abbey is doing well and both George and I also. I am probably the best I have been since this whole nightmare started --being coming on this board and reading about sm and then knowing in my heart she had it and waiting for mri and then surgery etc. She hasn't had a seizure since thursday night--well really friday am barely as it was at about 12:15 a.m. if I remember right. Now we agree with the Dr. that it was probably stress related. She has never ever been kenneled or away with a stranger and that along with everything else was pretty traumatic for her. Remember these guys are like little 2 year olds. She sleeps most of the time as she's on alot of drugs. She had yeast and cocci in ears and so is on micronazole for that, sulfa trim for uti, tramadol, gabapentin and omeprazole. I haven't hardly left her since her coming home. Maybe a total of a hour. I haven't even been dressed since thursday night. I will have some time this weekend as hubby will be home and can take turns etc. I need to get in the office before monday. Anyways, for those of you that are reading this because your dog is going through this that so far its ALOT easier than I thought. Sure she has the long stitches in her head etc. but she's not in pain at all. She drinks--not eating much but today going to make some chix and try mixing it with wet food to get her to eat and if that doesn't work then chix and rice. She is getting a little food with all the pills we give her. She is very comfortable sitting in my lap and very content and never once has she looked at me with the look of omg what did you do to me. I truly believe she knows we are doing everything in our power to help her and I do KNOW that she knows how much she is loved. Heck we've turned our house upside down for this and I'm sleeping on the floor so she can see me etc. Is she worth it. You bet your booties she is.
another post I wrote that day:
Latest update--Abbey hasn't really eaten anything today--didn't even want to eat the roast beef that we had the pills concealed in with cream cheese etc. The last pills almost had to force them down her. Now worried what we are going to do tonight. Sure hate to force them but with her spitting this stuff out especially the liquid gabapentin you don't know how much she got etc. She's not really drinking either. Did first thing this a.m. and nothing since. Hubby put down her 2 syringefuls this afternoon. Talked to hospital and they said not to be concerned at this point as she is going to the bathroom.
Doctor will call in the morning. Guess he will call daily--he did this a.m. and was surprised he called on a saturday and hospital said he would automatically call in the a.m.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Day 2--This morning George received a call and Abbey had two seizures during the night. When George tells me this on the phone I literally fall to pieces and say something stupid I might add--I say I suppose they want us to put her down now". I must be truthfull on this blog. This is a roller coaster ride and your emotions sometimes make you do and say stupid stuff. You get scared etc. He said noooooooooooo--said they had already called our vet to see if there could be medication problems and they had ruled that out. They believed it was from stress. Abbey has had a few seizures since a baby as you know from my first post. I estimate them to be under 10 in her 5 years with us--that is the ones I have witnessed. Of course she could have had them when we weren't around her or asleep etc. They said it was still a go to come get her and to be there at 3 p.m. I ask my husband to go with me and he doesn't want to take more time off. Self-employed and has taken alot of time off through this ordeal so I say ok I understand and I can do this. I picked her up and the discharge resident go through everything with me in regards to meds and I have my list of questions. Here is what my list of questions was:
Gabapentin and omeprazole--same dosage?
How about methylprednisolone--still give it to her?
Seizures--she was on gabapentin which is anti-seizure medicine but used for pain for her so why did she have seizure anti-seizure meds?
How many times do I take her outside? Do we carry her out? Do I have her on leash? Ok to go down a couple of stairs?
Crate all the time or can she be in a room where there is nothing she can jump on?
Can she sit on my lap?
When should she be evaluated next?
Who takes out stitches--you or take to my local vet?
Seizures--sm related or some other disorder?
Playpen outside or leash or just ok to be by her and be free to poo and pee.
Ok to have a mattress on the floor and her to be in the crate or do I need to be flat more like on a very thin pad?
Medical emergency--I'm 2 1/2 hrs away?
When can she be bathed?
What do I do if she starts to scratch at stitches?
What to look for for signs of infection?
I am going back in a month to have her evaluated by my choice and I will start another list of things to ask.
After the discharge resident is done going over what was done and meds etc. Dr. Shores comes in and I ask all my questions. He said the surgery went excellent which was very reassuring.
So I go out and am and discharge desk and paying etc. and waiting for Abbey to come out and the resident comes out carrying her which he had told me before I could carry her out and probably would want to--She looks dazed and not that excited to see me which is a blessing I guess. All the drugs. We go out to the car and I put her in the crate and she does the screatching like she does when we go in the car--kind of like a child yelling mommy mommy they did this --they did that--mommy mommy hold me. I think thats the best way to explain it.
I then start our 2 1/2 hr. journey home and first thing I do is call George to give all the information from the doctor etc.
I get home and about a hour after getting home she is in a pet playpen and we give her some chicken and I think the excitement of coming home and just everything is too much for her--she has a seizure and I freak. My emotions are crazy--reminds me of going through menopause--whacko one minute and fine the next--lol.
That night both George and I slept on the mattress on the floor as I was scared to be by myself with her alone. I woke up umpteen times and would just look at her plus at 12:15 a.m. she had another seizure. These seizures were mild--last about a minute at the most and she did not lose conscieneness. She is content with being in the crate even though she hasn't been in one since a puppy.
Gabapentin and omeprazole--same dosage?
How about methylprednisolone--still give it to her?
Seizures--she was on gabapentin which is anti-seizure medicine but used for pain for her so why did she have seizure anti-seizure meds?
How many times do I take her outside? Do we carry her out? Do I have her on leash? Ok to go down a couple of stairs?
Crate all the time or can she be in a room where there is nothing she can jump on?
Can she sit on my lap?
When should she be evaluated next?
Who takes out stitches--you or take to my local vet?
Seizures--sm related or some other disorder?
Playpen outside or leash or just ok to be by her and be free to poo and pee.
Ok to have a mattress on the floor and her to be in the crate or do I need to be flat more like on a very thin pad?
Medical emergency--I'm 2 1/2 hrs away?
When can she be bathed?
What do I do if she starts to scratch at stitches?
What to look for for signs of infection?
I am going back in a month to have her evaluated by my choice and I will start another list of things to ask.
After the discharge resident is done going over what was done and meds etc. Dr. Shores comes in and I ask all my questions. He said the surgery went excellent which was very reassuring.
So I go out and am and discharge desk and paying etc. and waiting for Abbey to come out and the resident comes out carrying her which he had told me before I could carry her out and probably would want to--She looks dazed and not that excited to see me which is a blessing I guess. All the drugs. We go out to the car and I put her in the crate and she does the screatching like she does when we go in the car--kind of like a child yelling mommy mommy they did this --they did that--mommy mommy hold me. I think thats the best way to explain it.
I then start our 2 1/2 hr. journey home and first thing I do is call George to give all the information from the doctor etc.
I get home and about a hour after getting home she is in a pet playpen and we give her some chicken and I think the excitement of coming home and just everything is too much for her--she has a seizure and I freak. My emotions are crazy--reminds me of going through menopause--whacko one minute and fine the next--lol.
That night both George and I slept on the mattress on the floor as I was scared to be by myself with her alone. I woke up umpteen times and would just look at her plus at 12:15 a.m. she had another seizure. These seizures were mild--last about a minute at the most and she did not lose conscieneness. She is content with being in the crate even though she hasn't been in one since a puppy.
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If you have a CKCS-Cavalier Spaniel-and you've run across this page by accident, you at least need to be aware of a disease that is in ALOT of the cavaliers. If you don't read this, then at least go to (link below) and read about what it is. It could be the best thing you do for your dog. We need to spread the word about this.
Day 23--she's feeling better and bored!!!
Symptoms of Syringomyelia - also known as SM

New videos can be seen at: