Day 8 after surgery. Well, I awoke at 6 a.m. to Abbey standing in her crate and looking at me and wimpering. Thought she needs to go out so up I go and open her crate and get her and carry her outside so she can do her duty. Bring her back in and put her back in her crate and I climb back into my bed (mattress on floor). She is still standing in crate and looking at me and gently wimpering. I really think she just wanted some attention and wanted to climb into bed with me. The neurologist did tell me I could have her in bed with me since the mattress is on the floor but I'm too nervous to do so. Afraid in my sleep I would roll on her or kick her or push her off etc. She didn't do this for very long and then settled back down and went back to sleep but of course I was up so wasn't long I said heck with it and got up.
Today I have a doctor appointment so I have to leave her which I haven't done yet and I don't want to but I don't have much choice or else I can't get my prescriptions refilled.
The other 3 dogs are starting to show signs of neglect--somebody is pooping in the office and they are not writing their name on it so I don't know who it is but considering the size of it I think it is Bentley. Yesterday I saw the signs so started making more of an effort to pay them more attention. These guys are like little 2-year olds and I guess this is probably their way of saying hey we didn't do nothing and we deserve some attention too.
Abbey is eating well although I am feeding her good food. lol. This a.m. she got some leftover marinated pork loin, chicken breast, potatoes and a bit of yogurt to mix it all together. She scarfed it up.
The meds are going a little better although this thing is one smart cookie. This a.m. I thought she had swallowed and son of a gun a minute later we see a pill on the cover. geesh. Again, though it is going alot easier. The gun thing the vet gave me works great. The liquids are very easy to get down her--its still the pills I'm having a little problem with.
Overall, this is easier than I thought it would be but still not alot of fun. My fear still is that in the end she will be no better than she was but then I listen to other people and then hear my neurologist telling me he's had 100% success with this and also I haven't heard one person yet that has had the surgery that regretted it.
Well, it is now 2:00 p.m. and Abbey is doing really well although still sleeping alot and that I know is because of the tramadol. The weather in Georgia is absolutely beautiful. Took her out 2 hrs. ago and she walked around a little and then laid down as if she wanted to enjoy the weather. Unfortunately, I had to pick her up and put her back in the playpen as I had to leave to go to the doctor. Today was the first time I have left the house since coming home and of course had a long wait at the doctor and was gone about 75 mins. which in my mind was much too long. Came home and she was sound asleep.
Well, on day 8 we are seeing signs of her coming around and we are happy!!!! I cam home from the doctor and sat down and had Bentley and Chelsea my two other cavaliers on my lap and after about 3 minutes Abbey stands up in the playpen and starts to swat the side of it like let me out. I then take Bentley and Chelsea to the other side of the house and go back and get Abbey thinking that possibly she has to go poop--couldn't be pee because I had taken her out about 75 minutes before. Took her out and she did pee and brought her back and put her in the pen and she did it again. Hmmmmm somebody wants some attention. :-) Couldn't stand her mommy paying attention to the other two. lol. Is a good sign though!!!
Today is a good day for both Abbey and me.
We lost our battle on January 3, 2012 and had to put our beautiful princess down. Please spread the word on this awful disease. When I wrote this blog I told everything I was feeling and it's pretty emotional but tells all that I felt. Abbey had my heart on Day 1
one year after surgery
You have a special place Dear Lord that I know you'll always keep
A special place reserved for dogs when they quietly fall asleep
With large and airy kennels and a yard for hiding bones
With maybe a little babbling creek that chatters over stones.
With wide green fields and flowers for those who never knew about running freely under
Your sky of perfect blue. Lord,I know You keep this Special Place and so to you I Pray, for one Special Cavalier Who quietly died today
She was full of strength & love and so very, very wise.
The puppy look she once had had long since left her eyes.
She is dearly missed my Lord by her Mom & Dad.
She went to join her family in Your land that is Devine
So, speak to Abbey softly please and give her a warm hello.
She's a Special gift to you Dear Lord from her Mommy & Daddy, who loved her so.
Run free sweet Abbey.
Abbey 1/24/2004 - 1/3/2012
Oh my sweet Abbey. You are with the angels and finally free of this awful disease. I will miss you sooooooo much and I am at a loss as to what to do right now. I love you so much but I know we did the right thing today.
RIP and I thank god he brought you to us.
I love you so much.
RIP and I thank god he brought you to us.
I love you so much.
Not doing well--Any of Us - December 29,2011
It's been a very long time since I updated and unfortunately this is not a good
one. It is now almost 3 years since finally figuring out what Abbey had/has. She
was doing relatively good until this past year and has been declining. We are
now seriously talking abou putting her down. I've never had to put an animal down in my life.
Thank you dear lord they have always gone on their own. I'm looking at Abbey in a
different way now---she is having such a very hard time getting around--she
slips and slides all over the place and falls. Her eyes just don't have the
"sparkle" they used to. I think she's plain tired of dealing with this disease.
George and I talked alot last night and shed many many tears and also saw
another neurologist 3 weeks ago and was told we were doing all that she would
have us do and saw our vet yesterday and he agreed with me about her quality of
life. My emotions are so up and down right now. One minute I'm ready to make the
appt. and the next minute I say no. George feels we need to give it a couple
more weeks to give the increase in prednisone and omeprazole a chance. I can't
hardly look at her right now without sobbing so I know it won't be long. If
you've read our story you know how much we do love her and how this is killing
me. I will post when we finally make the decision.
one. It is now almost 3 years since finally figuring out what Abbey had/has. She
was doing relatively good until this past year and has been declining. We are
now seriously talking abou putting her down. I've never had to put an animal down in my life.
Thank you dear lord they have always gone on their own. I'm looking at Abbey in a
different way now---she is having such a very hard time getting around--she
slips and slides all over the place and falls. Her eyes just don't have the
"sparkle" they used to. I think she's plain tired of dealing with this disease.
George and I talked alot last night and shed many many tears and also saw
another neurologist 3 weeks ago and was told we were doing all that she would
have us do and saw our vet yesterday and he agreed with me about her quality of
life. My emotions are so up and down right now. One minute I'm ready to make the
appt. and the next minute I say no. George feels we need to give it a couple
more weeks to give the increase in prednisone and omeprazole a chance. I can't
hardly look at her right now without sobbing so I know it won't be long. If
you've read our story you know how much we do love her and how this is killing
me. I will post when we finally make the decision.
One Year after Surgery
Hard to believe that its been a year. Time flies. She is doing well and is a very happy dog. She was having some scractching episodes about a month ago and we were quite concerned. She has never been symptom free since the surgery and we never believed she would be--we hoped though. I felt she was having some distress so we took her off the temaril and she is now on prednisone which seems to be doing the trick. I have only seen her scratch a couple times in the past 6 weeks or so. The change has been quite visible. She is hungry though and I guess steroids do that to you. We are still happy that we did the surgery as our goal was for her not to get worse and we have accomplished that goal 100% and more as she is definitely better than a year ago. Any questions, please e-mail me and I will get back to you quickly. I still get e-mails and sometimes people call me as they are worried and I sure understand what its like to go down this road.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
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If you have a CKCS-Cavalier Spaniel-and you've run across this page by accident, you at least need to be aware of a disease that is in ALOT of the cavaliers. If you don't read this, then at least go to (link below) and read about what it is. It could be the best thing you do for your dog. We need to spread the word about this.
Day 23--she's feeling better and bored!!!
Symptoms of Syringomyelia - also known as SM

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