Day 14--Well, as Bev one of my support people have told me--one step forward two steps backward.
Great night here. Was up till 3 a.m. which was only 90 mins ago with sounds of her snoring and here we are 75 minutes later giving her gabepentin again only 5 hrs. after her last nightly dose. Will give her 15 minutes and she'll be snoring again --not much sleep tonight.
Today has not been the greatest of days lets say. Gave her gabapentin at noon and took her outside and thought maybe she'd like to be around us in the office--Our office is at one end of the house and on the other is where she is at in the family room. Well, I dug out a "pack and play" like a portacrib for you old foggies--lol that I had used for my grandson. Set it up in the office and thought she would be happy seeing me work and seeing the other 3 dogs. Well, she was scratching, kicking, rubbing etc. in there and of course when I see this I get stressed and I end up calling good ol George in almost tears and sounding worried and he reassures me and says just watch her etc. Well, I hang up and I can't figure out why she is doing this so shortly after the meds. I think could it be possibly that she can't stand to see the other dogs out laying on the couch etc. I decide to put her back in the other playpen and after a few minutes she settles down again. I guess she probably doesn't understand why she can't be with them?????
One good thing--a florist shop in town called a couple hours ago verifying our address and saying somebody is sending George and Linda flowers. I can't wait to see who it is--been 2 hrs. and they still aren't here.
Well, the flowers were from my son and daughter-in-law who live on the other side of the country. I went to pieces when they came. It was so thoughtful of them and meant so much that somebody would actually send flowers in this circumstance. I guess my son knows what our dogs mean to us. He grew up with a shih tzu named Sandy who lived to be 11 and we were certainly in love with her also.
Ok more crappie news. I went to pieces tonight when George got home. I was not prepared at all for Abbey to be showing these symptoms before the 2 week mark. I haven't heard of this from anybody and it scares the holey crapola out of me. Anyways, George put his foot down. He's been the one talking to the neurologist and tonight he said you have got to talk to him soooooooooo Georgie called him and left msg for him to call. Was about 5 their time when he called so hopefully he does call in the a.m. When George has addressed this the neurologist has said its too early but but but but that awful but word. Another words to me since I'm saying but I'm in disbelief so I need to hear it with my own ears and maybe then it will sink in. Just gave her meds at 10:00 p.m. and hitting the bed and maybe tonight I will get more than 3 hours sleep.
We lost our battle on January 3, 2012 and had to put our beautiful princess down. Please spread the word on this awful disease. When I wrote this blog I told everything I was feeling and it's pretty emotional but tells all that I felt. Abbey had my heart on Day 1
one year after surgery
You have a special place Dear Lord that I know you'll always keep
A special place reserved for dogs when they quietly fall asleep
With large and airy kennels and a yard for hiding bones
With maybe a little babbling creek that chatters over stones.
With wide green fields and flowers for those who never knew about running freely under
Your sky of perfect blue. Lord,I know You keep this Special Place and so to you I Pray, for one Special Cavalier Who quietly died today
She was full of strength & love and so very, very wise.
The puppy look she once had had long since left her eyes.
She is dearly missed my Lord by her Mom & Dad.
She went to join her family in Your land that is Devine
So, speak to Abbey softly please and give her a warm hello.
She's a Special gift to you Dear Lord from her Mommy & Daddy, who loved her so.
Run free sweet Abbey.
Abbey 1/24/2004 - 1/3/2012
Oh my sweet Abbey. You are with the angels and finally free of this awful disease. I will miss you sooooooo much and I am at a loss as to what to do right now. I love you so much but I know we did the right thing today.
RIP and I thank god he brought you to us.
I love you so much.
RIP and I thank god he brought you to us.
I love you so much.
Not doing well--Any of Us - December 29,2011
It's been a very long time since I updated and unfortunately this is not a good
one. It is now almost 3 years since finally figuring out what Abbey had/has. She
was doing relatively good until this past year and has been declining. We are
now seriously talking abou putting her down. I've never had to put an animal down in my life.
Thank you dear lord they have always gone on their own. I'm looking at Abbey in a
different way now---she is having such a very hard time getting around--she
slips and slides all over the place and falls. Her eyes just don't have the
"sparkle" they used to. I think she's plain tired of dealing with this disease.
George and I talked alot last night and shed many many tears and also saw
another neurologist 3 weeks ago and was told we were doing all that she would
have us do and saw our vet yesterday and he agreed with me about her quality of
life. My emotions are so up and down right now. One minute I'm ready to make the
appt. and the next minute I say no. George feels we need to give it a couple
more weeks to give the increase in prednisone and omeprazole a chance. I can't
hardly look at her right now without sobbing so I know it won't be long. If
you've read our story you know how much we do love her and how this is killing
me. I will post when we finally make the decision.
one. It is now almost 3 years since finally figuring out what Abbey had/has. She
was doing relatively good until this past year and has been declining. We are
now seriously talking abou putting her down. I've never had to put an animal down in my life.
Thank you dear lord they have always gone on their own. I'm looking at Abbey in a
different way now---she is having such a very hard time getting around--she
slips and slides all over the place and falls. Her eyes just don't have the
"sparkle" they used to. I think she's plain tired of dealing with this disease.
George and I talked alot last night and shed many many tears and also saw
another neurologist 3 weeks ago and was told we were doing all that she would
have us do and saw our vet yesterday and he agreed with me about her quality of
life. My emotions are so up and down right now. One minute I'm ready to make the
appt. and the next minute I say no. George feels we need to give it a couple
more weeks to give the increase in prednisone and omeprazole a chance. I can't
hardly look at her right now without sobbing so I know it won't be long. If
you've read our story you know how much we do love her and how this is killing
me. I will post when we finally make the decision.
One Year after Surgery
Hard to believe that its been a year. Time flies. She is doing well and is a very happy dog. She was having some scractching episodes about a month ago and we were quite concerned. She has never been symptom free since the surgery and we never believed she would be--we hoped though. I felt she was having some distress so we took her off the temaril and she is now on prednisone which seems to be doing the trick. I have only seen her scratch a couple times in the past 6 weeks or so. The change has been quite visible. She is hungry though and I guess steroids do that to you. We are still happy that we did the surgery as our goal was for her not to get worse and we have accomplished that goal 100% and more as she is definitely better than a year ago. Any questions, please e-mail me and I will get back to you quickly. I still get e-mails and sometimes people call me as they are worried and I sure understand what its like to go down this road.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
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If you have a CKCS-Cavalier Spaniel-and you've run across this page by accident, you at least need to be aware of a disease that is in ALOT of the cavaliers. If you don't read this, then at least go to (link below) and read about what it is. It could be the best thing you do for your dog. We need to spread the word about this.
Day 23--she's feeling better and bored!!!
Symptoms of Syringomyelia - also known as SM

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